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What I hate most is....
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10.       libralady
5152 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 12:43 am

I hate litter.

11.       lesluv
722 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 07:44 am

i hate night shifts.....to be awake when the world is asleep (well most of it!!) and to sleep when everyone is awake!!

12.       AEnigmamagnadea
416 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 12:43 pm

Censorship and deleting of posts that mildly criticise or tease moderators. Reminds me of Rule 301... lol

13.       Cacık
296 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 12:57 pm

Quoting Leelu:

Quoting lady in red:

Quoting Trudy:

... people promising things and then don´t keep their promises. If you can´t or don´t want to do something, then just don´t promise! A promise just out of politeness but not meant really is for me such a hypocrisy. A ´no´ I can cope much better than that waiting for a promise that never will be fulfilled.

And you? What do you hate most?

Calm down canım - stressing is bad for your back! I agree with you - rather a ´no´ than an empty promise. I also hate people who come to Turkey - either to live or on holiday - and then do nothing but complain about how hot it is, how they can´t get a decent cup of tea, the food is too ´Turkish´ (yes I´ve heard that a few times!), etc., etc., etc.

OMG how can you visit Turkiye and then say the food is too "turkish" .. to me Turkish tea should be a food group - I love turkish tea!! The people that complain about those things must be a little on the uneducated side I say that because if they had educated themselves about the country before visiting they would know .. you are going to have "hot" weather in the summer, "Turkish" food and "Turkish" tea .. I´m off my soapbox

Anyone seen Shirley Valentine? Chips ´n´ egg!

14.       ciko
784 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 01:12 pm

Quoting AEnigmamagnadea:

Censorship and deleting of posts that mildly criticise or tease moderators. Reminds me of Rule 301... lol

well some people who always complain about turks´ being so intolerant to criticism prove that they cant bear criticism at all!!! ironic

15.       Delidolu
344 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 02:29 pm

that all men have the disgusting habbit of picking their nose while waiting the red light to turn green!WHAT IS WROOOOONG WITH U PPL????

16.       mltm
3690 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 02:35 pm

Quoting Delidolu:

that all men have the disgusting habbit of picking their nose while waiting the red light to turn green!WHAT IS WROOOOONG WITH U PPL????

hehe because for men their car is like their home.

17.       amnariel
138 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 02:39 pm

Quoting Delidolu:

that all men have the disgusting habbit of picking their nose while waiting the red light to turn green!WHAT IS WROOOOONG WITH U PPL????

hahahahahhaaaa, I know one that DOES NOT do that stopped with him at the traffic lights more than a few times

I can´t say I hate something, but I dislike lack of honesty and stereotypes of all kinds. Aaaaand I dislike my job

18.       teaschip
3870 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 03:26 pm

I hate when your in the checkin line at the airport and you have alot of bags and the line only moves 4 feet at a time.

19.       CANLI
5084 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 05:07 pm

İ hate lying
And all that can listed underneath
Manipulating,Cheating,Doubl faces,Double standard...ect
İ JUST HATE lying ! grrrrrrr

20.       catwoman
8933 posts
 06 Aug 2008 Wed 05:11 pm

Quoting AEnigmamagnadea:

Censorship and deleting of posts that mildly criticise or tease moderators. Reminds me of Rule 301... lol

Well, your posts were deleted not because you were criticizing mods, but because Admin wants that thread to be related to site problems. Sorry about the deletions, next time please post it not in a sticky thread that is meant for reporting technical problems.

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