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Xanthos - Theater
Xanthos - Theater
Xanthos was the capital city of the Lycian Federation and its greatest city for most of Lycian history. It is very old - finds date back to the 8th century BC, but it is possible that the site may have existed during the Bronze Age or during the first centuries of the Iron Age. Today, the city consists of the Lycian acropolis and the parts remaining outside it, as well as the Roman acropolis. The most interesting building is the Roman theatre and the edifices of the theatre´s western shoreline. Of these the most famous is the Harpy Monument, which is a family sarcophagus situated on a rock. The original of this relief - decorated sarcophagus is in the British Museum, and a good copy of this is in its place. (Location: Xanthos)
Uploaded by slavica on 5/4/2009, viewed 4317 times.

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