Turkey |
Turkish intellectuals issue apology to Armenians
60. |
18 Dec 2008 Thu 02:49 pm |
Is MrX67 called Robert?? 
don´t say me pls you don´t know hes my elder brother lady
61. |
18 Dec 2008 Thu 04:55 pm |
first i´m not an intellectual and next if that would help for fix froblems or if that would be a reason for lasting peace i would sign that with my all heart and ignorance if only signs could be help to ended ´´snake story.
I don´t think you have to be an intellectual to sign it..as I understand the petition is online. How nice of you Robert...I knew you had a kind heart and want lasting peace...
62. |
18 Dec 2008 Thu 04:58 pm |
I don´t think you have to be an intellectual to sign it..as I understand the petition is online. How nice of you Robert...I knew you had a kind heart and want lasting peace...
maybe you teasing with me but really if only intellectuals could be brave as much as ignorants for keep peace...
63. |
18 Dec 2008 Thu 05:01 pm |
riches and intellectuals aren´t they the main responsibles of the many troubles of this wonderfull globe???
64. |
18 Dec 2008 Thu 05:08 pm |
riches and intellectuals aren´t they the main responsibles of the many troubles of this wonderfull globe???
Yes, and don´t forget our corrupt politicans. Bye the way I wasn´t teasing you. I believe you do have a very kind heart.
65. |
18 Dec 2008 Thu 05:10 pm |
close your eyes and try to dream by take of ur nationality,belief,ethnicity dresses,by throw away all thick books which full with hate and revenge for write a more colourfull books for the next generations,its very romantic but how nice,right? then let others say you ,you are idiot or naked,is it more important then peace??
Yes, and don´t forget our corrupt politicans. Bye the way I wasn´t teasing you. I believe you do have a very kind heart.
66. |
18 Dec 2008 Thu 05:49 pm |
Very wise Robert...thank you. If only I could remember this more often myself.
67. |
19 Dec 2008 Fri 12:40 am |
I already signed it. I think it´s a nice step. Sometimes we, as citizens, don´t need to behave very politically, at the end of the day, it´s mostly the politicians and politics of the countries which turn the world into a less livable place. It´s a civil initiative, and there is no word of "genocide" in it. Signing this petition does not mean that we approve the turkish deaths caused by armenians nor do we minimize the sorrows ofthe turks. I didn´t sign it because I´m responsable for their deaths or for their expulsion but I signed it to show that I care about their sorrows as a turkish citizen.
68. |
19 Dec 2008 Fri 01:11 am |
I already signed it. I think it´s a nice step. Sometimes we, as citizens, don´t need to behave very politically, at the end of the day, it´s mostly the politicians and politics of the countries which turn the world into a less livable place. It´s a civil initiative, and there is no word of "genocide" in it. Signing this petition does not mean that we approve the turkish deaths caused by armenians nor do we minimize the sorrows ofthe turks. I didn´t sign it because I´m responsable for their deaths or for their expulsion but I signed it to show that I care about their sorrows as a turkish citizen.
And you really really surprised me with this
69. |
19 Dec 2008 Fri 06:50 am |
I already signed it. I think it´s a nice step. Sometimes we, as citizens, don´t need to behave very politically, at the end of the day, it´s mostly the politicians and politics of the countries which turn the world into a less livable place. It´s a civil initiative, and there is no word of "genocide" in it. Signing this petition does not mean that we approve the turkish deaths caused by armenians nor do we minimize the sorrows ofthe turks. I didn´t sign it because I´m responsable for their deaths or for their expulsion but I signed it to show that I care about their sorrows as a turkish citizen.
that doesn`t make sense at all. If you apologize for something, that means you`re guilty of that thing, so you agreed that you`re guilty by signing that petition.
70. |
19 Dec 2008 Fri 10:05 am |
that doesn`t make sense at all. If you apologize for something, that means you`re guilty of that thing, so you agreed that you`re guilty by signing that petition.
Exactly. If it is reworded as "we are sorry for ...." then those who signed could be excused.
Who has to apologize here? First the imperial powers have to apologize for causing those tragedies between two nations who lived together in peace for more than 8 centuries.