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Our racist oath
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50.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 05 Nov 2013 Tue 11:10 pm

I think moderate islam´s antidote has never been racism and it never will be.

Or the fight in Turkey was never been about islam vs nationalism-racism.

It was just about returning back to normal!!  We have been forced to wear a straight jacket for so long. Europen countries got rid of these things long time ago.

Many things we lived with were never been "normal". Most of them were added into our lives in the era when there was a single party or at the times during the coups..

Many things are changing..

The army has been removed from the politics? what happened? did we all die? NO.

They removed andimiz.. did Turkey collapse because of this? NO

First women entered the parliment with their head scarves a few days ago.. is Turkey ruled with Sheria now? NO

So less racism is always better..

Andimiz was removed in this context and it is a good thing for all of us..

Abla liked this message
51.       Abla
3648 posts
 06 Nov 2013 Wed 12:16 am


Quoting AlphaF

                                        Amerikada ekmeğin iki yüzü de yağlıdır.....


Farklı vatan sevgileri...


I don´t think Prophet Muhammad ever said anything like this.

hazzel liked this message
52.       tomac
975 posts
 06 Nov 2013 Wed 12:24 am


Quoting Abla



I don´t think Prophet Muhammad ever said anything like this.


"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it it is hard to verify their authenticity" - Abraham Lincoln

Edited (11/6/2013) by tomac

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53.       ikicihan
1127 posts
 06 Nov 2013 Wed 02:35 am


Quoting Abla



I don´t think Prophet Muhammad ever said anything like this.


I searched for it, if it is genuine or fake. Here is the results:


Love for one´s country is part of faith
There is a hadîth that declares that loving one´s country is part of faith. Is it authentic?
Answered by
the Fatwa Department Research Committee - chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî
There is a hadîth that reads: “The love for one’s country is part of faith”.

It is discussed by al-`Ajlûnî in his book Kashf al-Khafâ’ [1102]. Al-`Ajlûnî writes: “Imam al-San`anî said this hadîth is false, and al-Sakhâwî said in his book al-Maqâsid al-Hasanah [386]: ´I never came across this hadîth´.”

Al-Albânî lists this hadîth in his book Silsilah al-Ahâdîth al-Da`îfah (A Series of the Weak and False Hadîth) as hadîth no. 36.



Rivâyetin anlam çerçevesine gelince: Eğer dense ki, vatan sevgisi imana aykırı değildir, yerinde bir tesbit yapılmış olur. Çünkü vatan sevgisi kişinin kendisini sevmesi gibi birşeydir. Kişinin kendisini sevmesi imandan değildir ama imana aykırı da değildir.




54.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 06 Nov 2013 Wed 08:35 am


Quoting Abla



I don´t think Prophet Muhammad ever said anything like this.


Did he or did he not?  (Agop can translate the article ,link below, for you) 



Do you think F. Gülen could have made the other comment ?

Edited (11/6/2013) by AlphaF

55.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 06 Nov 2013 Wed 08:52 am


It is discussed by al-`Ajlûnî in his book Kashf al-Khafâ’ [1102]. Al-`Ajlûnî writes: “Imam al-San`anî said this hadîth is false, and al-Sakhâwî said in his book al-Maqâsid al-Hasanah [386]: ´I never came across this hadîth´.”




In fact, great current thinker and philosopher Mr. Zihni Sinir has recently commented "Loving one´s country is a cardinal sin and must be avoided under all conditions" 


Edited (11/6/2013) by AlphaF
Edited (11/6/2013) by AlphaF
Edited (11/6/2013) by AlphaF

56.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 06 Nov 2013 Wed 08:57 am

I think moderate islam´s antidote has never been racism and it never will be.



There is no such thing as "moderate islam", in islam´s own terminology. This concept is an orientalist figment of Western  Christian imagination. serving their basic intention to create fractions within islam.

Edited (11/6/2013) by AlphaF
Edited (11/6/2013) by AlphaF

Adam25 liked this message
57.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 06 Nov 2013 Wed 10:10 am


Quoting AlphaF

I think moderate islam´s antidote has never been racism and it never will be.



There is no such thing as "moderate islam", in islam´s own terminology. This concept is an orientalist figment of Western  Christian imagination. serving their basic intention to create fractions within islam.


When there is an opportunity for racism you never fail to show up lol

I think, it is like a little monster in you, trying to come out like in the movie, the alien..


You can customise it here ==>



58.       burakk
309 posts
 06 Nov 2013 Wed 07:49 pm

i just realized that very few people can differate between racism and nationalism

59.       vineyards
1954 posts
 07 Nov 2013 Thu 01:24 am

Nationalism, patriotism and racism are all perceived differently depending on one´s point of view. For example if you are a lefty you can take the freedom of grouping these concepts and using them to make your word salad appear richer. How can you lose an argument if anyone who disagrees is automatically a racist?

If you are a conservative and if you are adressing to a group of so called leftists, you will group red, communist, socialist, anarchist and infidel together. You don´t have to bother about the differences among those.

Today the biggest patriotic nation in the world is the USA followed by England, France and Germany. They are against all this word salad and they have no interest in wasting their time with name calling. Instead they safeguard their national interests brutally.

burakk liked this message
60.       alameda
3499 posts
 07 Nov 2013 Thu 04:46 am

Really, this is silly. I asked you what the problem is and why you call the oath racist, you didn´t answer. I asked you if it was the name Turkey you find unacceptable, no answer. 

Most countries have settled on a name for their country. Many of the names actually are derived from some tribe or another, but we don´t hear the people getting upset and calling the names racist. Here, take a look:

Endonyms and most exonyms for Poles and Poland derive from the name of the West Slavic tribe of the Polans 

The name "England" is derived from the Old English name Englaland, which means "land of the Angles". The Angles were one of the Germanic tribes that settled in Great Britain during the Early Middle Ages. 

The name "France" comes from the Latin Francia, which means "country of the Franks". There are various theories as to the origin of the name Franks: one is that it is derived from the Proto-Germanic word frankon which translates as javelin or lance as the throwing axe of the Franks was known as a francisca.[20] Another proposed etymology is that in an ancient Germanic language, Frank means free as opposed to slave.

Hungary, Atilla the Hun

In the 7th century, Bulgar tribes (likely of central Asian Turkic origin), migrated to the lower courses of the rivers Danube, Dniester and Dniepr under the leadership of Asparukh. After 670 he moved into the Balkan Peninsula with a horde of 50,000 Bulgars across the Danube and in 680 severed Scythia Minor from the Byzantine Empire. A peace treaty with Byzantium in 681 and the establishment of a permanent capital at Pliska south of the Danube marked the beginning of the First Bulgarian Empire. The Bulgars gradually mixed up with the local population, adopting a common language on the basis of Slavonic."

Quoting thehandsom



When there is an opportunity for racism you never fail to show up lol

I think, it is like a little monster in you, trying to come out like in the movie.......




Edited (11/21/2013) by alameda

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