Really, this is silly. I asked you what the problem is and why you call the oath racist, you didn´t answer. I asked you if it was the name Turkey you find unacceptable, no answer.
Most countries have settled on a name for their country. Many of the names actually are derived from some tribe or another, but we don´t hear the people getting upset and calling the names racist. Here, take a look:
Endonyms and most exonyms for Poles and Poland derive from the name of the West Slavic tribe of the Polans
The name "England" is derived from the Old English name Englaland, which means "land of the Angles". The Angles were one of the Germanic tribes that settled in Great Britain during the Early Middle Ages.
The name "France" comes from the Latin Francia, which means "country of the Franks". There are various theories as to the origin of the name Franks: one is that it is derived from the Proto-Germanic word frankon which translates as javelin or lance as the throwing axe of the Franks was known as a francisca.[20] Another proposed etymology is that in an ancient Germanic language, Frank means free as opposed to slave.
Hungary, Atilla the Hun
In the 7th century, Bulgar tribes (likely of central Asian Turkic origin), migrated to the lower courses of the rivers Danube, Dniester and Dniepr under the leadership of Asparukh. After 670 he moved into the Balkan Peninsula with a horde of 50,000 Bulgars across the Danube and in 680 severed Scythia Minor from the Byzantine Empire. A peace treaty with Byzantium in 681 and the establishment of a permanent capital at Pliska south of the Danube marked the beginning of the First Bulgarian Empire. The Bulgars gradually mixed up with the local population, adopting a common language on the basis of Slavonic."
When there is an opportunity for racism you never fail to show up
I think, it is like a little monster in you, trying to come out like in the movie.......
Edited (11/21/2013) by alameda