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could u help me to translate this text?
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1.       dudu
2 posts
 02 Mar 2005 Wed 01:39 am

Buğulanmış camlara adını yazmak….

Camın bir yanında içi ısıtan sıcaklık, diğer yanda içimi donduran soğukluk…
Kışın en şiddetli soğuk zamanları olan tipili gecelerde buğu yapan tarafta oturup seninle çay içmek..

Hayatımın eksik olan boş sayfalarında seni yazmayı istiyorum. Bu gece… Yaşanmamış zamanların karalanmış sayfalarında sadece adının baş harfleri okunuyor.. Kargacık burgacık satırların arasında düzgün olan senin kalan adın…

Zaten ne yazılabilir ki senin adından başka? Eksilmek, yaşamak, gitmek, özlemek, ne kadar içine kapanırsam kapanayım kapandığım ölçüde dışarı açık olduğumu mu?

Ne yazılabilir ki?

Senden bana iz olarak kalan çok ama adın yeterli.. Hayatımın en karmaşık dönemeçlerinin hatıralarını taşıyan kargacık burgacık satırlarda senin adını bulmak..
Hayatımın özetini çıkarırken bu kez satır aralarında değil, sayfalar arasında sen yazmak….
ÃœşÃ¼düğüm zamanlarda soluduğum nefeslerle adını cama yazmak…
Odanın en karanlık, en kuytu köşesinde senin adını yazacağım.. Tenime kazıyacağım adını…

Şairin dediği gibi: “Mevsimler geçiyor, gündüzler yine gelecek, kış yine olacak…”…
Geçen zaman, geçen yıllar ve geride kalan koskocaman bir boşluk…
Dün 15 yaşındaydım, bugün 25.. Geride bıraktığım yıllarımdan bana ne kaldı??? Ders, üniversite, iş.. Hiç birisi.. Sadece tutku.. Bir kişi…..

Kendimi eksiltiyorum… Zaman hep bir şeyler alıp götürüyor benden.. Bana verdikleri ise neredeyse yok…

Gençken yaşlanmışım, yaşlıyken genç oluşum.. Fark eder mi? Yaşadıklarıyla değerlendirmeli insan.. Yaşıyla değil.. Verebilecekleriyle, yaşamışlığıyla, kendine güvenmesiyle, yaşamı ciddiye almasıyla, sabit duruşuyla, kendine itimat edilmesine ihanet etmemesiyle değerlendirilmeli.. Fiziki farklılıklarla, derilerin buruşmuş ya da yaşla değil.. Sadece kendi özbenliğiyle, varlığıyla, kalbiyle değerlendirilmeli.. Öne zoraki engeller koyarak değil…

Doğru, yine sabah olacak. Ve dünden farklı olmayacak.. Ama farklı olacağı heyecanı yaşamak.. Ancak saatler geçtikçe heyecan azalıyor.. Bende kalan tek şey “tutku”…
Günlerin, kışların, mevsimlerin geçmesine rağmen bende kalan sen.. Buğulanmış cama bakınca camda seni görüyorum. Senin yüzünün üzerine senin adını yazıyorum….

Buğu, üzüntü, sen, adını senin üzerine yazmak…
Seni düşÃ¼nmekten yazamıyorum.. Yazabileceğim tek şey adın..
Adını ancak ıslak zeminlerine yazabiliyorum… Yüzümde ise…
Eskitemiyorum seni..
Sendeki zaman ve mekan bende saklı..
Onların içeriğini kanlarımla söndürüyorum… Kanlarımda gezdiriyorum seni…
Ve her saniye daha çok istiyorum seni…...

Günler, kışlar, yıllar geçiyor.. Her gün belirli bir saatten sonra heyecan azalıyor. Ama bende olan ve geçen bunca zamana rağmen bende olan sana dair “tutku”…
Heyecan nasıl olsa var…
Demiştim ya bu kış gecesinde seni düşÃ¼nerek adını buğulanmış camlara yazıyorum içimi titreten kahveyi içerek..
Sen, tutku, buğulanmış cam, özlemek…
Ve senden bana kalan adını buğulanmış cama yazabiliyorum sadece….

2.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 05 Mar 2005 Sat 01:01 am

it is too long...

3.       Neyme
4 posts
 08 Mar 2005 Tue 04:29 am

I can see that the letter is very long but do you need to write that it is too long?????HELP OR NOT WRITE ANYTHING AT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL....

4.       admin
758 posts
 08 Mar 2005 Tue 07:49 am

Hi, the text is too long to translate completely but it looks interesting to me and I will try to translate the beginning part. This should at least give an idea about what it is about.

Buğulanmış camlara adını yazmak

Camın bir yanında içi ısıtan sıcaklık, diğer yanda içimi donduran soğukluk...
Kışın en şiddetli soğuk zamanları olan tipili gecelerde buğu yapan tarafta oturup seninle çay içmek..
Hayatımın eksik olan boş sayfalarında seni yazmayı istiyorum. Bu gece...


Writing your name on steamed up windows

On one side of the window, a warmth that heats you in the inside; and on the other side, a cold that freezes you...
Sitting with you on the side that produces the steam, and drinking tea together, in the fiercest and coldest times of the winter, on nights with snowstorms...
I want to write you on the missing, blank pages of my life. Tonight...

5.       medracer
7 posts
 08 Mar 2005 Tue 08:29 am

To write your name on steamy windows...

On the one side of the window, heat from warmth within, on the other cold from my cold within...on nights of the deepest winter cold, to sit by the steamed-up window pane and take tea with you...

On the blank pages of my empty life I want to write (about?)you. Unlived moments scribbled and doodled on pages, only the initials of your name can be read; between the scrawled lines, remaining orderly and upright, your name...

In any case, what else can be written but your name? To diminish, to live, to depart, to long for, how much I would and do withdraw within, the degree to which I withdraw is the degree of my being responsive without? (?)

What can be written then?

As a trace, much remains of you to me, but your name is enough...bearing memories of the most complex, critical turning-points in my life, in these scrawled and scribbled lines to find your name... This time, my life-history does not present itself within these lines; among the pages (this is for you to write)(?)
At times when I shiver, with my cloudy breath to write your name on the window pane.
In the darkest, worst corner of the room I will write your name. I will inscribe it onto my flesh.

As your poem puts it, 'Seasons pass, daytime will again return, once more it will be Winter...' Past time, passed years, an immense void that remains...
Yesterday I was 15 years old, today I'm 25. What have the intervening years left me with? University, work...no-one...just passion... One person...

I am become less. Time takes from me and shows all and everything. If it's a question of that which was given me, in any case that wont amount to anything.

In youth I age, in aging I become young...does it make any difference? A body must evaluate with that through which he lives. It is not with age...it is with those things which may be given, experienced, with one's self-reliance, with the seriousness with which one takes life, with steadfastness, with one's non-betrayal of one's own self-confidence that a body must be evaluated. Reckon not with the physical alterations, age or the wrinkling of the skin, rather with unique individuality, existence, with the heart. Test not by placing difficult obstacles ahead.

Correct, it is yet again morning. And it wont be different to yesterday. Yet live with enthusiasm to it's becoming different. But enthusiasm wanes with the passing of the hours. All that remains to me is Passion. Despite the passing of days, winters and seasons, to me you remain. Looking at the steamed-up window I see your face, and over your face I sign your name.

Mist, melancholy, you. On your face I sign your name. Thinking of you I can write nothing. All I can write is your name. Your name only on the moist surface I sign. Over my face, as it were. I could never weary of you.

Time and Place with you, abide with me.

What is within them, may I disperse in my blood. I cause you to wander in my veins. And every second I want you more.

Correct, days, winters, years are passing...And every day from an appointed hour the enthusiasm wanes. But though there be so much passing of time on me, there will ever be my passion for you. Enthusiasm, whatever it may be, will be.
I had said, for sure, this winter night while writing your name on steamy windows, within I shivered drinking coffee...
You, passion, steamed-up windows, longing...

And all I can do with the one thing that remains of you to me...to sign your name on a steamed-up window.

(That's the best I can do...it might be a bit 'free' in places, but it's certainly effective. I think I lost about 4-5 litres of body fluids and used up a whole box of Kleenex).

6.       ali
70 posts
 08 Mar 2005 Tue 05:49 pm

Although there are some minor errors, this translation is really good, I am impressed. I think, if someone can translate such a text from Turkish to English, I would say s/he has mastered the Turkish language and culture very well. Congratulations, my hat is off.

7.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 08 Mar 2005 Tue 06:16 pm

nice translation..
tebrikler medracer..

8.       admin
758 posts
 08 Mar 2005 Tue 07:36 pm

Good job, thank you for the time and effort you spent. I think this is a very good translation for a very nice piece of text.

9.       guzel kiz
0 posts
 08 Mar 2005 Tue 09:34 pm

Made me cry

10.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 08 Mar 2005 Tue 09:41 pm

does everyone like this text?

11.       Elisa
0 posts
 09 Mar 2005 Wed 12:45 am

It makes me melancholic, the person who has written this must suffer from an awfully broken heart.

12.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 09 Mar 2005 Wed 12:52 am

maybe this person is writing just for hobbies...

13.       catwoman
8933 posts
 09 Mar 2005 Wed 12:58 am

dudu, if it's nothing personal can you say where you took this text from?

14.       medracer
7 posts
 09 Mar 2005 Wed 09:51 am

Please, treat my effort as a rough draft. I did it initially as a challenge but sort of got 'sucked in' by the pathos u know...and I'm not sure but there seem to be some grammatical mistakes in the original. I still cant get that '...ne kadar icine kapanırsam kapanayım kapandığım...olduğum mu?' line. No verb. Admin, HELP!

15.       dudu
2 posts
 09 Mar 2005 Wed 05:16 pm

i am happy that you like this text..
if my friend sends me more i could put those texts on this site..
and if u allow me too..
what do u say about this suggestion?

16.       admin
758 posts
 10 Mar 2005 Thu 09:20 am

Medracer, in this sentence you asked about, the verb is re-used from the previous sentence. A simple translation should make it more clear:

Zaten ne yazılabilir ki senin adından başka? Eksilmek, yaşamak, gitmek, özlemek, ne kadar içine kapanırsam kapanayım kapandığım ölçüde dışarı açık olduğum mu?

What can be written except your name anyway? Diminishing, living, going, missing, or that the more I withdraw, the more extroverted I become?

17.       medracer
7 posts
 10 Mar 2005 Thu 02:14 pm

Hmm...so simple when you sit back for a moment and look at the whole! The problem was, I spent so long pondering the 'Ne kadar...' falan bit, I completely forgot about the '...yazabilir...' in the previous sentence. I'll do better next time. Let's give this one 7/10. NEXT!

18.       arogdoma
2 posts
 20 Apr 2005 Wed 01:04 pm

This could be something written by me....for my lost love. The words are so familiar to me, so painful...
Who is the author of this poignat, sad story?

19.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 20 Apr 2005 Wed 03:14 pm

u couldnt write it..

20.       catwoman
8933 posts
 21 Apr 2005 Thu 10:23 pm

Arogdoma, I'm sorry to hear that such a sad, painful story could also be yours. However, apparently you are not alone in your pain, there are people who feel the same way. Take care. I hope you're well.

21.       Jonathan
30 posts
 22 Apr 2005 Fri 02:02 pm

I am new to this forum but that letter is so vivid in its explanation of the feelings of the author/narrator. I have found that when love is being expressed in Turkish it is done so with true emotion. I'm afraid I could only read it once.

22.       Seticio
550 posts
 23 Apr 2005 Sat 12:19 pm

Well, I'm not sure why everybody feel so moved. For me it's too melancholic, I think a person who wrote it, just likes writing, because it reminds me a little bit of harlequin.

No offence, it's just my opinion.

23.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 24 Apr 2005 Sun 02:33 pm

what is harlequin?

24.       Xesc
64 posts
 24 Apr 2005 Sun 07:46 pm

A kind of buffon or joker of the middle age king courts.....i hope meant another thing...

25.       Seticio
550 posts
 25 Apr 2005 Mon 07:58 am

yes, u are right, but it also the name of the series of quite silly romance books. This text something similar to those romances.

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