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Soap Opera "Noor" (Gümüş) changes traditional Arab Gender Roles
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90.       Suyu
78 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 01:48 pm


Quoting farukdemirhan

plz TURK dont talk about things that u dont know the  its DETAILS  and the right details ....

i respect the islam becz it is  teaching us how respect men whether relatives or not ... we respect their right (men ) before our rights , thats we r happy in our life .....


dont try to ignore the nature of women( at the same time nature of the life ) belonging to the men.


who would not be happy to be treated like queens ....( drivers , money , clothes , travelling , studing ....so many things u didnt try as turk but the kurd i guss they do )



For the last words - turkish women DO experience these things.

When someone is not acceptable he/she begins to think being superior...

91.       Suyu
78 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 01:51 pm


Quoting Deli_kizin



 And it is my personal conviction that the louder you scream, the less you are sure of what you are saying..


correct +1


By the way, isnt Faruk a male name?

Edited (7/16/2009) by Suyu

92.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 02:02 pm

Faruk, some people (women are people too) want more of life that belonging to someone. You´re saying that women are happy when somebody provides for them. What about wanting to pursue your goals and ambitions? If your kitchen and your husband is your whole world and you´re happy about it - fine. But not all women are happy like that, some want to travel, learn, work when and how they please. Don´t say it´s natural law that women belong to men. Only things belong to people, not other people. No man is better than a woman and no woman is better than a man only by virtue of their gender. We are equal, we are able to do the same things in life. Do the same jobs, earn the same money, be respected and treated fair.

93.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 02:10 pm


Quoting Daydreamer

No man is better than a woman and no woman is better than a man only by virtue of their gender. We are equal, we are able to do the same things in life. Do the same jobs, earn the same money, be respected and treated fair.


 I don´t think it is even close to possible to have an argument against that! Well said, DDciðim

94.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 02:16 pm


Quoting farukdemirhan


who would not be happy to be treated like queens ....( drivers , money , clothes , travelling , studing ....so many things u didnt try as turk but the kurd i guss they do )


 I wouldn´t!  Where´s the sweetness of self-sufficiency in that? Where´s the selfrespect? Where´s the sweetness of buying something that you worked for? And.. where´s the joy of taking the bus! Swearing at the busdriver, looking at other people, being part of society?


It would be a dirt on my personal pride and selfrespect to take money from my father or partner, which they worked hard for, and spend it on a driver, clothes and holidays, if I could provide for it myself as well! It would be like living in a  golden cage and doing tricks and acrobatics, just because people have paid for your exquisite dinners and because the cage you are kept in is made of golden.  

Edited (7/16/2009) by Deli_kizin

95.       teaschip
3870 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 03:37 pm


Quoting abudy99

can´t go into public places where men are, can´t even be admitted to a hospital without a mans consent, can´t travel alone, must enter in the back of a bus and must be covered. 


 all of these cases are not true , even the women can´t drive but they can do alot of things alone .

she can travel alone - even it is prohibited in islam - , she can  be admitted to a hospital without a mans consent , and we don´t have buses in our transfer system to put women in the back ,  in some cities -like almadinah and maccah - there are few buses and all women and families set in front .

and why is it all about women and their rights ? why is some people wanna die to see saudi women alone ? don´t you have enough females  ? or you can´t stand seeing women with Chastity and pureness .

if you have to blame the situation in saudi you have to blame islam  , and when you dare and blame islam we will talk then .


and about the poor fatima which want a turkish guy to save her , i´m really sorry for her  , i really blame her family because they let movies and tv shows wash her pure brain .

i don´t offense turkish i really like them , but evey country has good and bad people , but there are alot of saudis how will make her happy 100 times more than any turiksh guy can do ever.


but the media - for sorry-  works very well and very hard to destroy the good picture of saudi and saudis .



Even though our country has generall good relations with Saudi...there has always remaines a concern about the human rights in your country. The abuse and treatment of prisoners, restriction on freedom of speech, denial of the right of citizens to change their government, discrimination against women and religous minorites and suppression of workers rights.  The attitude alone that you take that men are superior is quite sickening.  We don´t need to media to destroy the good picture of saudi or saudis, when your doing a heck of a time reconfirming what the media already conveys.


You paint this picture that Saudi has very little crime, let me remind you of 911.  It just so happened that 15 out of 19 suicide bombers were Saudis.  Your countries call to anti-terrorism has been questioned on many occassions.  I understand that every country and including my own has good and bad people.  But your arrogance about how Saudi men will treat their woman 100x better than a Turk...I´m not buying.  I don´t think Turkish men suppress their women.

Edited (7/16/2009) by teaschip

96.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 07:35 pm

Anyone who tells me that this is the Islamic way to eat noodles can go and suck an egg !


They have made a circus act, out of a beautiful religion.


www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFkblouoRjE&feature=related - 99k


97.       ReyhanL
1961 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 07:40 pm


Quoting AlphaF

Anyone who tells me that this is the Islamic way to eat noodles can go and suck an egg !


They have made a circus act, out of a beautiful religion.


www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFkblouoRjE&feature=related - 99k




98.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 07:42 pm


Quoting AlphaF

Anyone who tells me that this is the Islamic way to eat noodles can go and suck an egg !


They have made a circus act, out of a beautiful religion.


www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFkblouoRjE&feature=related - 99k



I think it could be a set-up video. But then again, I can´t think of any other way for them to eat noodles without showing something of their face when being around men ´other than husband´.


Edited (7/16/2009) by Deli_kizin
Edited (7/16/2009) by Deli_kizin

99.       ReyhanL
1961 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 07:45 pm


Quoting Deli_kizin



I think it could be a set-up video. But then again, I can´t think of any other way for them to eat noodles without showing something of their face when being around men ´other than husband´.



 Its true ..

100.       teaschip
3870 posts
 16 Jul 2009 Thu 07:54 pm


Quoting AlphaF

Anyone who tells me that this is the Islamic way to eat noodles can go and suck an egg !


They have made a circus act, out of a beautiful religion.


www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFkblouoRjE&feature=related - 99k



 Please tell me they don´t have to eat noodles like that.  Those poor women!

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