Actually NO, it doesnt answer my question
à asked you if you can point out ayat or hadith women should cover their faces, and you didnt.
Know why ? Because there is NONE !
1. if you want to understand the qur´an an hadith as you like there won´t be any evdience against anything you like . e.g : the addict will ask you : if you can point out ayat or hadith that proof the heroin is prohibited ? you can´t.
Know why ? Because there is NONE !
the qur´an an sunna must explaind by specialist (3ulama´ ) otherewise there is no need for prophets , it will be enough to print copies of quran and that´s it .
you will cancel alot of islamic sciences : the tafseer , where we can find quran explanation .
the fiqh , where we can find the Detailed matters of islamic shari´a
osol alfiqh , where we know how to use the quran and sunna for deduction .
sciences of hadith , where can Distinguish the good from weak hadiths .
you will cancel generations of specialist beginning from sahabah to the last one which is me kidding .
you can´t understand the qura´n and hadith without going back to the understands of the Best centuries , they attended The revelation of the Qur´an and took it from the mouth of the prophet , they asked him about the qur´an and shari´a , so they had more knowledge of qur´an and sunnah than anyone came after them .
so it´s wrong when you say that anyone can take qur´an and sunnah , and extract the orders from them . unless the qualified poeple , and i guess me and you are not that qualified .
so here you will find proofs from qur´an and sunnah for covering face ( it´s a small arabic book since you are arabi   .
and i would give you examples on how El amr Bil ma3roof treats women if you want, and its not that nice !
yes please give me some , and true ones please , not like what we always read in newspapers , i know most of them are false .
Yes i do believe that, not only in Ãslam but its every parents responsibility, but the question till what age ?!
that is you question , and you answer it very well by saying :
Yes of course parents rules doesnt end, but it change
i agreed
Rasul SAV taught us how to bring up our kids...7, 7 and then 7...
even it has good means , but i couldn´t find this in hadith books , please check .