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The so called armenian genocide Facts\accusations
120. |
25 Oct 2008 Sat 12:36 am |
Interesting how people here take things out of context...Please point out where I said the Genocide was a fact...I only expressed my opinions on here backed up with certain facts that contribute to my opinion. I haven´t heard one comment here to support otherwise. Also, please don´t imply I´m using American History here to support my opinion.
How about these comments written by you in this very thread?
"Let´s see Alamada many things I stated here are indeed "facts"... Most people base their opinions on facts, unlike you. Using your concept theory we would never know the truth about anything..."
"Fathers words... Proof....would you also say this to the Jews. Let´s see witnesses, testimonies, dead bodies...archives that the Turks refuse to disclose. I can see how irrevelant it must be to you, since pasta is the foundation of your new found religion."
" Si +++ I have a hard time believing this was not a Genocide and the problem by ignoring this fact is another reason why Turkey won´t get into the EU. By denouncing this to all the families is like saying it never happened. What your sending is a message loud and clear that it´s acceptable which gives it good cause to repeat itself in history. Can you imagine if we said the Holocaust was not a genocide, nope it didn´t happen....no maybe you can´t. I know there are several topics here in TC that we have already discussed pertaining to this topic."
" I don´t think your going to find to many people in my country who will DENY what happend to the Native Americans. Many of these tribes have tried to form an independant country, however without the backing of our imports and exports it has failed. I´m not even going to debate with you on what "genocide" was more barbaric...that´s just a ridiculous statement. All genocides are a crime of humanity and to what degree is human life more sacred than others is not for me to try to determine.
People want to forget about the Armenian Genocide....but there is no statue of limitations on a genocide. Do we forget about the Jews? It appears the old Ottoman empire committed these crimes, therefore Turkey has become an accomplence by it´s big campaign of denial. I don´t view it as historical truth but rather an issure of morality and acceptance of truth. By not resolving this....may have led to another misguided leader Hitler...who himself referred to what happen to the Armenians as a Genocide. What happened after World War I, could have also been a display of behavior from past history which resulted of thousands of Jews being slaughtered. Why is that historians don´t leave Hitler and the Holocaust alone? Also, if want to blame anyone for all the lives lost in World War I you can blame your own government for leading you into this war.
There has been court decisions and admissions years ago, in fact Prime Minister Damat Ferid Pasha placed the blame on the young turks. Even an interview Ataturk back in 1926 stated the Young Turks should be made to account for the lives of millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en mass from their homes and massacred. The United Nations Covention as well as the international community recognize it. You ask why bring it up now after all these years...well let´s see things have a way of repeating themselves and unless we acknowledge and condemn this we are once again turning a blind eye.
What´s even more bothersome is the Turkish archives aren´t even open to the public. They are only open to Turkish Scholars...which makes me believe they have alot to hide.. Oh and by the way if you believe in anyone´s judicial system fully, then you are really fullish yourself.
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25 Oct 2008 Sat 12:37 am |
Teaschip....It is good you put quotation marks around your "facts"....do you really think this is your or my business? (...or any other countries other than Turkey and Armenia)
We have plenty of issues in our own country. It´s between the Turks and the Armenians. The genocides of the Amerindians, African slaves are our business.
.......as for your "facts"....they are very selective.
What happened to the Jews in WWII is unique in history. There has been NO proof anything like that happened to the Armenians during WWII. Yes, many died, many were killed during a war to which they were an active participant.
People die in wartime. Read my post on the first page regarding the deaths during this time. Millions died during the influenza epidemic. War is HELL! Fanning the flames of hatred and division only helps create more chaos....
So what happens in history as long as it doesn´t affect you personally, isn´t anyone´s business. Wow, what a narrow mind you have. TThen can someone please tell me why do the following countries recognize the Armenian Genocide, if indeed it was just another war. Please enlighten me what motives these countries have to gain by recognizing it. Help me understand....
Chile Cyprus
Vatican City
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25 Oct 2008 Sat 12:44 am |
and Armenia 
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25 Oct 2008 Sat 12:49 am |
hehe..what examples...all of them are Turkish and Armenians neighbours...especially Argentina...hehe......hehe...hehe....woman...aren´t u cooking sth or have some embroidering or knitting????ur head is so"open"4 politics...u will get tired,soon
Really, there all your neighbors hmmm... I guess my globe is different then yours. So again please tell me why they recognize the Armenian Genocide? Instead of telling me in so many words that I´m an idiot for even considering this was Genocide...then help me understand differently. I do have cooking to do and I haven´t learned how to knit yet...sorry.
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25 Oct 2008 Sat 12:49 am |
There has been court decisions and admissions years ago, in fact Prime Minister Damat Ferid Pasha placed the blame on the young turks. Even an interview Ataturk back in 1926 stated the Young Turks should be made to account for the lives of millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en mass from their homes and massacred.
Lack of history knowledge unfortunately
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25 Oct 2008 Sat 12:52 am |
So what happens in history as long as it doesn´t affect you personally, isn´t anyone´s business. Wow, what a narrow mind you have.
Chile Cyprus
u sure u r talking about us...?do they teach about Chile Cyprus in American colleges?well.well,well never heard about it although being called narrow by"open minded one" )
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25 Oct 2008 Sat 12:54 am |
So what happens in history as long as it doesn´t affect you personally, isn´t anyone´s business. Wow, what a narrow mind you have. TThen can someone please tell me why do the following countries recognize the Armenian Genocide, if indeed it was just another war. Please enlighten me what motives these countries have to gain by recognizing it. Help me understand....
Chile Cyprus
Vatican City
Divert the dialogue...hmmm.....take care of your own house first. If my son is murdering my daughter, or vice versa, that is my priority, not what is going on down the street, or in the next town.
If I have a dog that is attacking the children in the neighborhood, that is my priority.
Now we are involved in wars that have killed at least one million Iraqi citizens, caused over four thousand American GIs to die...wounded and maimed countless humans...destroyed and contaminated land and sea, and you want to go over something that happened almost 100 years ago (and before the term genocide was a concept and crime) and is contested?
I seriously wonder where your priorities are. I note these are things that are happening NOW.
127. |
25 Oct 2008 Sat 01:04 am |
Divert the dialogue...hmmm.....take care of your own house first. If my son is murdering my daughter, or vice versa, that is my priority, not what is going on down the street, or in the next town.
If I have a dog that is attacking the children in the neighborhood, that is my priority.
Now we are involved in wars that have killed at least one million Iraqi citizens, caused over four thousand American GIs to die...wounded and maimed countless humans...destroyed and contaminated land and sea, and you want to go over something that happened almost 100 years ago (and before the term genocide was a concept and crime) and is contested? I seriously wonder where your priorities are.
It´s your mentality that scares me... Sorry, those analogies don´t work for me. If your son murdered your daughter in my neighborhood or town and caused the market value of houses to decline because people viewed my neighborhood as dangerous....it is my business. So I take it you don´t watch the news or read the paper either. Most everything has a cause an effect...whether it´s in your back yard or hundred miles away. I don´t think your in any position to question my priorties.
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25 Oct 2008 Sat 01:20 am |
It´s your mentality that scares me... Sorry, those analogies don´t work for me. If your son murdered your daughter in my neighborhood or town and caused the market value of houses to decline because people viewed my neighborhood as dangerous....it is my business. So I take it you don´t watch the news or read the paper either. Most everything has a cause an effect...whether it´s in your back yard or hundred miles away. I don´t think your in any position to question my priorties.
....but if I stopped it instead of looking at what happened 100 years ago in a land thousands of miles away from me, it probably would not happen....
sorry to have to let you know this, but by not stopping what is under your nose...NOW...you will have a rotting carcass moldering and festering in your basement that will soon contaminate the whole city...causing the rise of vermin that cause illness that can infect the whole world....if you don´t take care of it now.
129. |
25 Oct 2008 Sat 01:27 am |
u sure u r talking about us...?do they teach about Chile Cyprus in American colleges?well.well,well never heard about it although being called narrow by"open minded one" )
How could I forget about Cyprus...wasn´t that once a beautiful thriving country where tourism was in abudance....then one day Turkey decided to invade on a whim. And I didn´t realize Argentina, Chile, Canada and Venezula was in your back door. Since when did they become part of Europe or Asia? You still haven´t answered my question...Why do all of these countries recognize the Armenian Genocide? I´m asking you to help me understand...
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25 Oct 2008 Sat 01:36 am |
....but if I stopped it instead of looking at what happened 100 years ago in a land thousands of miles away from me, it probably would not happen....
sorry to have to let you know this, but by not stopping what is under your nose...NOW...you will have a rotting carcass moldering and festering in your basement that will soon contaminate the whole city...causing the rise of vermin that cause illness that can infect the whole world....if you don´t take care of it now.
Believe me Alameda my eyes and ears are open to the NOW, if I had a rotting carcass in my basement I hope I would know. I´m also a person who doesn´t sweep the crumbs underneath the rug either. However, there is nothing wrong with discussing the THEN. I think it´s careless not to discuss history in order to not repeat simliar mistakes.