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Kurdish children jailed in Turkey under anti-terror law
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70.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 31 May 2010 Mon 05:01 am


Quoting oeince

You are not worth to talk!


Sorry to hear that lol

Please dont go, I was planning to bring the water melon to eat (in Turkey, sometimes, just before leaving a house you were a guest, the host would say ´ah dont go, we were about the bring the watermelon- daha karpuz kesecektik-) 

71.       barba_mama
1629 posts
 31 May 2010 Mon 11:28 am

I disagree with the limited affect of words. It also depends on where you say those words, and who you say them too. It´s not all about screamig, kicking and shouting. The biggest heroes in history are the people who used their mind and mouth as form of protest, and not their fists. I have the same talk with people who felt sympathy for the PKK, and I will have the same talk with people who feel like they have to jail children who say they support PKK. An intellectual approach towards any problem might work less well on the short term, but on the long term it is the only way that REALLY works.


As one of my personal heroes, Ghandi, said:


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.





PS: The quotes about the army in Aghanistan shooting children or whatever was about the U.S. army. There was only one article in that piece about the Dutch hitting civilians, which led to a government wide investigation. No children were hit in this incident, and the government made an official apology to the Afghan people, even though the incident happened because the Taliban used those people as a human shield in the bombing. The Dutch army is internationally well known (nowadays) as being quite diplomatic.

72.       scalpel
1472 posts
 31 May 2010 Mon 02:56 pm


Quoting thehandsom




Ah who is against the Kurdish opening in Turkey and why?



 pkk itself?




Please, feel free to support this terrorist organisations with full of shit heads! {#emotions_dlg.puking} 


Let´s say for a moment that some Kurds were tortured in Diyarbakır Prison in 1980´s...does this give them the right to kill anyone they want in 2010?


Do you happen to know the joke about Temel who recently heard that Christ had been curicified by jews? {#emotions_dlg.lol}



73.       gezegen
269 posts
 31 May 2010 Mon 05:10 pm


Quoting barba_mama

I disagree with the limited affect of words. It also depends on where you say those words, and who you say them too. It´s not all about screamig, kicking and shouting. The biggest heroes in history are the people who used their mind and mouth as form of protest, and not their fists. I have the same talk with people who felt sympathy for the PKK, and I will have the same talk with people who feel like they have to jail children who say they support PKK. An intellectual approach towards any problem might work less well on the short term, but on the long term it is the only way that REALLY works.


Just out of curiosity- are these lines yours? Did you write them? I like the style and the ideas are not too bad.

74.       barba_mama
1629 posts
 31 May 2010 Mon 05:49 pm

No, it were the voices in my head who said it... Ofcourse these lines are mine

75.       Paramedic
24 posts
 31 May 2010 Mon 06:34 pm






PS: The quotes about the army in Aghanistan shooting children or whatever was about the U.S. army. There was only one article in that piece about the Dutch hitting civilians, which led to a government wide investigation. No children were hit in this incident, and the government made an official apology to the Afghan people, even though the incident happened because the Taliban used those people as a human shield in the bombing. The Dutch army is internationally well known (nowadays) as being quite diplomatic.

All I am trying to say here is you can not understand what war is about when you are not actually in it. This happens with every army and the dutch are included. Human error occurs every day everywhere. But for you to blanantly deny the truth when you have not fully searched all avenues is the  reason why people allow the genocide of the palestian´s world wide,



How the dutch army watch 8000 people killed when they were suppose to protect:

Bosnian Serb forces overran lightly-armed Dutch soldiers in the United Nations-designated enclave in July 1995 and subsequently massacred more than 7,000 Muslim men and boys, the worst mass killing in Europe since World War Two

I can´t find it in the English news. But the Dutch media tells that yesterday the Dutch Army killed 6 children and 9 other civilians with F-16´s. The British were first fighting with the Taliban (I think they were loosing) and then the Dutch mujdrimeen came to help their shayateen brothers.

The mudjrimeen are saying that the British army "is taking care of" the injured children and WOMEN.

Peter van Uhm, the devil, says that this unfortunately happened at the hands of the Taliban. The pilot isn´t getting punished and he will still fly. May Allaah give them the punishment of fir´awn. Na´latu-Allaah ´alaihum.

An air strike carried out by a Dutch F-16 fighter jet in the southern Afghan province of Helmand has killed at least eight Afghan civilians, including six children. The F-16 conducted a precision bombing raid on a suburb of Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province.

A spokesman for the British armed forces confirmed the casualties, "ISAF forces take every precaution to prevent civilian deaths. But it sadly looks that this case is a result of the enemy shooting at an ISAF patrol. When fire was returned, eight civilians, six of them children, were killed".

The commander of the Dutch armed forces, General Peter van Uhm could not confirm the report but says the airstrike followed extensive fighting between British ISAF forces with Taliban insurgents.


AMSTERDAM - Bij een luchtaanval door een Nederlandse F-16 in de Zuid-Afghaanse provincie Helmand zijn woensdag Afghaanse burgers omgekomen.


Dat heeft de commandant der strijdkrachten, generaal Peter van Uhm donderdag vanuit Kabul gemeld.

De F-16 voerde een precisiebombardement uit op een buitenwijk van Lashkar Gah, de hoofdstad van Helmand. De luchtaanval volgde op langdurige gevechten op de grond van Britse ISAF-militairen met de Taliban.


Een woordvoerder van de gouverneur van Helmand sprak tegen het Franse persbureau AFP over negen burgerdoden, onder wie zes kinderen. Getuigen spraken over zeven of acht slachtoffers.

Van Uhm kon die cijfers niet bevestigen. Wel weet hij dat er een vrouw en kinderen gewond zijn geraakt. Die krijgen medische zorg van Britse militairen.


Van Uhm zei te betreuren dat er burgerslachtoffers zijn gevallen, maar legt de schuld daarvoor bij de Taliban. Er waren twee Nederlandse F-16´s gestuurd om luchtsteun te geven aan ISAF-militairen die een vuurgevecht voerden. De tegenstander schoot vanuit een Afghaans huis. Achteraf bleken daar burgers, onder wie vrouwen en kinderen te zitten, aldus de commandant.


Van Uhm: ´´Uiteindelijk zijn we hier om de bevolking te helpen. Het is diep triest dat er mede door het optreden van de Taliban slachtoffers zijn. Dat geeft nog maar eens aan dat de tegenstander zich van god noch verbod iets aantrekt.´´ ISAF praat nu met familie van de slachtoffers en met stamleiders om te kijken hoe de missie de gewonden en nabestaanden kan helpen.

De Nederlandse piloot heeft zich volgens de generaal aan de regels gehouden. ´´De onderzoeken lopen nog. Maar aan de hand van de gegevens die we van de vlieger hebben, kunnen we zien dat hij zich aan alle procedures heeft gehouden.´´

Dat was een hele geruststelling voor de vlieger, aldus de commandant, die de piloot heeft gesproken. De piloot blijft ook nog steeds inzetbaar.


Van Uhm was de afgelopen dagen op troepenbezoek in Afghanistan. Behalve de luchtmachtbasis in Kandahar bezocht hij de Nederlandse militairen in Kabul en in Uruzgan. ´´Iedere keer als ik hier kom, zie ik vooruitgang.´´


another nice blog telling how great the dutch army is



war is ugly I hate it but lets not be delusional it has occurred since the beginning of time.


Edited (5/31/2010) by Paramedic
Edited (5/31/2010) by Paramedic
Edited (5/31/2010) by Paramedic
Edited (5/31/2010) by Paramedic

76.       oeince
582 posts
 31 May 2010 Mon 08:06 pm

Some rescally people still asks for proofs!


Shame on you Handsome!


The soldiers that have been killed in Iskenderun by PKK terrorists who have been managed by Israel will call their account to you on the other side!

77.       barba_mama
1629 posts
 31 May 2010 Mon 08:24 pm

I stand corrected about the children´s death.


My problem is, that because of video-images of trigger-happy soldiers, a lot of people have gotten an image of armies shooting people for fun, harassing children, and destroying everything they see. I have some friends in the Dutch army. I´m not a fan of armies, but I do know that it´s not the case that every army in the world goes to other places around the world, just to play "occupier". And I also know that most people in the Dutch army, are happier when they are not shooting. The tactical people in the army try to reduce civilian casualties, and to say that the Dutch army is going to Afghanistan to "kill children" is hurtfull. I will defend my friends who are there, because I have seen how they have actually helped people. I have changed my view of the use of armies after I have seen what they have accomplished.


(I can only speak about the Dutch army, since I don´t know soldiers in other armies.)

78.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 31 May 2010 Mon 10:52 pm


Quoting barba_mama

I disagree with the limited affect of words. It also depends on where you say those words, and who you say them too. It´s not all about screamig, kicking and shouting. The biggest heroes in history are the people who used their mind and mouth as form of protest, and not their fists. I have the same talk with people who felt sympathy for the PKK, and I will have the same talk with people who feel like they have to jail children who say they support PKK. An intellectual approach towards any problem might work less well on the short term, but on the long term it is the only way that REALLY works.


As one of my personal heroes, Ghandi, said:


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. 





PS: The quotes about the army in Aghanistan shooting children or whatever was about the U.S. army. There was only one article in that piece about the Dutch hitting civilians, which led to a government wide investigation. No children were hit in this incident, and the government made an official apology to the Afghan people, even though the incident happened because the Taliban used those people as a human shield in the bombing. The Dutch army is internationally well known (nowadays) as being quite diplomatic.


 I said sometimes words can be very effective but most of the times not. If you know words are in vain and you still continue to say same thing over and over again either you are showing off or you are scaring of taking action. Gandhi´s words were very effective. But without passive disobedience they would be useless. Passive disobedience is an act too. Acts don´t mean they have to be violent. You can´t change anything with only words. There is a saying in Turkish "The dog which barks, doesn´t bite" For example everybody said Israel to not to hinder human aid to Palestine but they were no use until now. Some activists took action and now it is an international matter. And everyone now condemns Israel. Without this action could it be possible such a thing? I don´t say go and be killed. But at least don´t make noise if you don´t have enough courage to take action like me.

Edited (5/31/2010) by gokuyum

79.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 01 Jun 2010 Tue 02:08 am


Quoting thehandsom



Sorry to hear that lol

Please dont go, I was planning to bring the water melon to eat (in Turkey, sometimes, just before leaving a house you were a guest, the host would say ´ah dont go, we were about the bring the watermelon- daha karpuz kesecektik-) 

That is what Kurds of Diyarbakir would say....


80.       janissaridis
148 posts
 01 Jun 2010 Tue 09:45 am


Quoting AlphaF


That is what Kurds of Diyarbakir would say....



 he is from mersin not diyarbakir


forever DJxxx

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