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Kurdish children jailed in Turkey under anti-terror law
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80.       janissaridis
148 posts
 01 Jun 2010 Tue 09:45 am


Quoting AlphaF


That is what Kurds of Diyarbakir would say....



 he is from mersin not diyarbakir


forever DJxxx

81.       scalpel
1472 posts
 01 Jun 2010 Tue 01:35 pm


Quoting janissaridis



 he is from mersin not diyarbakir


forever DJxxx


 Mersin...yet another Turkish city that Kurds claim as part of their region...they need a port in mediterranean if they ever be able to found a state by the help of US and EU...

82.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Jun 2010 Wed 01:08 am


Quoting scalpel



 Mersin...yet another Turkish city that Kurds claim as part of their region...they need a port in mediterranean if they ever be able to found a state by the help of US and EU...


Never heard of this one!!!

Do you have any link/proof etc about it or just one of these Chinese whispers which you come across a lot in retired- men coffee houses?

83.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Jun 2010 Wed 01:34 am


Quoting oeince

Some rescally people still asks for proofs!


Shame on you Handsome!


The soldiers that have been killed in Iskenderun by PKK terrorists who have been managed by Israel will call their account to you on the other side!


You are delusional about the subject!!!!

Only delusional people will think SERIOUSLY Israel has been pulling the ropes of PKK and Israel has somehow planned and executed the killings of Iskenderun without a PROOF!!


What is Israel got to do with our almost 100 years old Kurdish problem?

Was it Israel stopped our Kurdish opening?

Was it Israel tried to assimilate Kurds in Turkey?

was it Israel tortured all those Kurds in Diyarbakir?

was it Israel putting all those stone throwing kids into jail for stone throwing?

Yes.. Shame one YOU and people like you who blindly believes what they were TOLD by the army and racist politicians..


Yes this is a terrorism only  problem..And  terrorism can be solved by fighting only..Then more war..More black money (Turkey´s war related black money is estimated as 50 billion dollars btw).. More deaths..More young people coming back as martyrs .. And eventually separation...

Excuse me..We dont want all above.. We want a peaceful, democratic Turkey in which every citizen can live without needing to HIDE their identity or religion or their political ideas..

And your superficial and paranoid ideas  are against this..

Yes..Shame on you!!





84.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Jun 2010 Wed 01:45 am


Quoting scalpel



 pkk itself?




Please, feel free to support this terrorist organisations with full of shit heads! {#emotions_dlg.puking} 


Let´s say for a moment that some Kurds were tortured in Diyarbakır Prison in 1980´s...does this give them the right to kill anyone they want in 2010?


Do you happen to know the joke about Temel who recently heard that Christ had been curicified by jews? {#emotions_dlg.lol}




I think the agreement was made with PKK about Kurdish opening.. And I think Kurds showed every indication that they are ready for the opening and they want it..

The latest surge in the attacks is the result of ´Not implementing the opening- because a serious number of people who are against the opening in Turkey- I am afraid that number of attacks will increase, so as the death toll!!

Kurdish opening should have not been stopped or frozen..

People who are against the war and in favor of peace should come up and raise their voice..

By looking at Turkish nationalist approach, some Kurds started to lose faith in living together already

Going back to war can result is separation!!!

Do you want separation? 


85.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 02 Jun 2010 Wed 07:29 am


Quoting thehandsom



I think the agreement was made with PKK about Kurdish opening..



 You are like a poisonous snake. Every word coming from your mouth is poisonous. Your words can only make things worse. I also support Kurdish opening but I don´t approve an agreement with terrorists. Do you have any proof that an agreement has been made with PKK. If you don´t you are a liar. I am sick of your shows.

Edited (6/2/2010) by gokuyum

86.       lemon
1374 posts
 02 Jun 2010 Wed 10:52 am


Quoting AlphaF



The kids should not be punished, even if caught red handed throwing stones to security forces, other people´s homes and stores, or burning cars in the streets - at all.


Their idiotic and cowardly fathers - who push them on the streets into a stupid war - should be punished instead.


Wonderfully stated!


One thing for me to note. Children must be punished! Not by the same punishment that is practiced on adults but by giving them lessons. They should not go into the conflict areas. If you are a child and went onto streets and attacked the police, military and gov representatives then you must be jailed and bear the consequences of your own acts.

we dont want to raise bullies and anarchists, do we? If they are allowed to demolish and destroy the neighbourhood for the sake of their own ideologies and politics then they must face punishment. Vandal and terror acts are not a game for children to play.

87.       lemon
1374 posts
 02 Jun 2010 Wed 10:59 am


Quoting Paramedic



many things occur that the public are never told why because

most could not handle the truth

but from what I know all respond the same when out in the field.








Thank you, paramedic, nice post, informative esp for those who wear pink glasses.


88.       lemon
1374 posts
 02 Jun 2010 Wed 11:05 am


Quoting barba_mama

I disagree with the limited affect of words. It also depends on where you say those words, and who you say them too. It´s not all about screamig, kicking and shouting. The biggest heroes in history are the people who used their mind and mouth as form of protest, and not their fists. I have the same talk with people who felt sympathy for the PKK, and I will have the same talk with people who feel like they have to jail children who say they support PKK. An intellectual approach towards any problem might work less well on the short term, but on the long term it is the only way that REALLY works.


As one of my personal heroes, Ghandi, said:


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. 





PS: The quotes about the army in Aghanistan shooting children or whatever was about the U.S. army. There was only one article in that piece about the Dutch hitting civilians, which led to a government wide investigation. No children were hit in this incident, and the government made an official apology to the Afghan people, even though the incident happened because the Taliban used those people as a human shield in the bombing. The Dutch army is internationally well known (nowadays) as being quite diplomatic.


if you pluck out my eye, I will pluck yours. you and I will remain single eyed. the whole world doesnt participate in our eye plucking ritual.


that poor ghandi missed out the second part of that law. tooth for a tooth. what would ghandi have said in this case? "there would be no job for dentists" ?

89.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Jun 2010 Wed 12:43 pm


Quoting gokuyum



 You are like a poisonous snake. Every word coming from your mouth is poisonous. Your words can only make things worse. I also support Kurdish opening but I don´t approve an agreement with terrorists. Do you have any proof that an agreement has been made with PKK. If you don´t you are a liar. I am sick of your shows.


Language mate, language!!!

Ah, you are that naive that you believe British stopped blood bath in Northern Ireland without talking to IRA? or Spanish stopped ETA without talking to them?

We have been in war with PKK for a long time, have we not?

What sort of naivety do you have which makes you even think you can stop this war without  dismantling PKK? 

Peace mate, peace..We need peace..  You like it or not but we need peace..

Proof of this agreement? I read many articles about how pkk members would surrender and give up their arms and Turkish authorities would not JAIL THEM.

They even started several months ago but unfortunately, nationalist sentiments were marching up and down..The biggest fascist/racist party of Europe -MHP- even threatened to take arms and  go to the mountains like pkk did.. People staged demonstrations against the Kurdish opening as if the war is better

Anyway, it is a deep subject..I think you are not following the news in depth.. The latest thing is, Apo threatened to pull out from the talks since end of May..And here we go:  more incidents more deaths, again!!!!


ps..A warning for you..After reading your post again, pls do not use that type of language.. I wont have a choice but dissect that naivety of yours and you wont like it..!!

Edited (6/2/2010) by thehandsom

90.       barba_mama
1629 posts
 02 Jun 2010 Wed 01:59 pm


Quoting lemon



if you pluck out my eye, I will pluck yours. you and I will remain single eyed. the whole world doesnt participate in our eye plucking ritual.


that poor ghandi missed out the second part of that law. tooth for a tooth. what would ghandi have said in this case? "there would be no job for dentists" ?


It is simple... if I hit you, you will not hit me back with a single blow... because once you hit me, i will hit you back. One action, will not lead to a single reaction, but to a series of events. If somebody hits you, perhaps your whole family will come to your rescue, resulting in lots of hits.

Edited (6/2/2010) by barba_mama [rambling too much to make a simple point :p]

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