You are like a poisonous snake. Every word coming from your mouth is poisonous. Your words can only make things worse. I also support Kurdish opening but I don´t approve an agreement with terrorists. Do you have any proof that an agreement has been made with PKK. If you don´t you are a liar. I am sick of your shows.
Language mate, language!!!
Ah, you are that naive that you believe British stopped blood bath in Northern Ireland without talking to IRA? or Spanish stopped ETA without talking to them?
We have been in war with PKK for a long time, have we not?
What sort of naivety do you have which makes you even think you can stop this war without dismantling PKK?
Peace mate, peace..We need peace.. You like it or not but we need peace..
Proof of this agreement? I read many articles about how pkk members would surrender and give up their arms and Turkish authorities would not JAIL THEM.
They even started several months ago but unfortunately, nationalist sentiments were marching up and down..The biggest fascist/racist party of Europe -MHP- even threatened to take arms and go to the mountains like pkk did.. People staged demonstrations against the Kurdish opening as if the war is better 
Anyway, it is a deep subject..I think you are not following the news in depth.. The latest thing is, Apo threatened to pull out from the talks since end of May..And here we go: more incidents more deaths, again!!!! 
ps..A warning for you..After reading your post again, pls do not use that type of language.. I wont have a choice but dissect that naivety of yours and you wont like it..!!
Edited (6/2/2010) by thehandsom