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When will the Christians Recognize the Native American Genocide
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40.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 01:12 pm

Tami, like GG´s already told you it´s not a debate. You had all your questiones answered but still you don´t see the answer. Ok, I´ll talk as simply as I can:


1. We, bed westerners GG, Trudy, DD, feel that it should be recognised but we can´t decide for our countries. In our countries there are many people who feel like us

2. Tribunal is a body that reviews claims of genocide deciding which acts fall for this category and which don´t. Each claim had its own tribunal that compared the claim to the definition

3. Christian countires, as you call them, in Europe and the US are countries that share a similar history, political attitude and economy. Since the tribunal they called decided it wasn´t genocide, they voted like they did. Why Russia and south America voted the same way - I have no idea. You can hardly consider Russia an ally of western policies.

4. You were trying to present western world as a bunch of hypocrites who stick together against non-Christians. It is so naive that only a child could fall for it. You consider religion to be the cause but it´s just one of the culturasl aspects that these countries share. And it wasn´t the motive for the conquest of America. I´m sure you remember that the "bed Christian western tribunal" recognised the genocide of Muslims in Bosnia - against the Christian Serbs. How does this fall into your bias against Christian countries?


The bottom line is, you´re wrong as usual. Yawn. lol

41.       mhsn supertitiz
518 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 08:40 pm


Quoting Daydreamer

Tami, like GG´s already told you it´s not a debate. You had all your questiones answered but still you don´t see the answer. Ok, I´ll talk as simply as I can:


1. We, bed westerners GG, Trudy, DD, feel that it should be recognised but we can´t decide for our countries. In our countries there are many people who feel like us

2. Tribunal is a body that reviews claims of genocide deciding which acts fall for this category and which don´t. Each claim had its own tribunal that compared the claim to the definition

3. Christian countires, as you call them, in Europe and the US are countries that share a similar history, political attitude and economy. Since the tribunal they called decided it wasn´t genocide, they voted like they did. Why Russia and south America voted the same way - I have no idea. You can hardly consider Russia an ally of western policies.

4. You were trying to present western world as a bunch of hypocrites who stick together against non-Christians. It is so naive that only a child could fall for it. You consider religion to be the cause but it´s just one of the culturasl aspects that these countries share. And it wasn´t the motive for the conquest of America. I´m sure you remember that the "bed Christian western tribunal" recognised the genocide of Muslims in Bosnia - against the Christian Serbs. How does this fall into your bias against Christian countries?


The bottom line is, you´re wrong as usual. Yawn. lol




None of these crap you wrote gives an answer to my question. so according to you the so called armenian genocide is a real genocide but the American Native genocide which is the biggest genocide of the whole history is not. that`s what your chrisrian countries suggest, and we must believe that its just a coincidence that all of these countries are christian. why do I have to believe this lie? cause even you dont.



when did the christian "tribunal" recognize the Bosnian genocide?


Court clears Serbia of genocide

The UN´s highest court has cleared Serbia of direct responsibility for genocide during the 1990s Bosnian war.







and I`m asking again, what "tribunal" are you talking about? give me a source proving that there have been a court decision proving the so called armenian genocide.







42.       Trudy
7887 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 08:58 pm

Bladibladibla - Anyone knows what the weather will be tomorrow? lol

43.       mhsn supertitiz
518 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 08:59 pm


Quoting Trudy

Bladibladibla - Anyone knows what the weather will be tomorrow? lol


still looking for the proof of recognition Trudy? <img src='/static/images/smileys//lol.gif' alt='lol'> (fast)

44.       Trudy
7887 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 09:04 pm


Quoting mhsn supertitiz



still looking for the proof of recognition Trudy? <img src='/static/images/smileys//lol.gif' alt='lol'> (fast)


 Anyone talking? I hear an annoying buzz but no words that make sense.

45.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 09:12 pm

Can´t you google tami? Buyurun

And you find what Tribunal is in Wikipaedia


And I have answered your question but you´re too obsessed with your point of view to understand that lol

It doesn´t matter to you that non-Christian Jews were recognised as victims of genocide and so were Muslims. It is all a Christian conspiracy to you lol


I told you a few times why the tribunal didn´t recognise the NA genocide - too many countries, too many reasons, the conquest was not to kill Indians but a territorial war, yet you still foam at the mouth. Calm down. Whom do you want to try next? The Roman Empire? Persians?


I know reason doesn´t appeal to you but it might be useful to have a look at the definition of DEBATE and learn how to use it.


You posted a question -"Is it a coincidence that Christian countries refuted The Native American Genocide" - 3 people answered you and you didn´t like the answer so you proclaimed yourself a winner in the debate.


Look up the definition to see it was not a debate but mere answering your question

46.       mhsn supertitiz
518 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 09:22 pm


Quoting Daydreamer

Can´t you google tami? Buyurun

i wasn`t looking for the definition of genocide dd. will you give me a link for that imaginary "tribunal" of the socalled armenian genocide or not?




And you find what Tribunal is in Wikipaedia



However, in line with a majority of legal scholars, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have ruled that, in order for actions to be deemed genocide, there must be physical or biological destruction of a protected group and a specific intent to commit such destruction




Countries recognizing the Bosnian Genocide












Countries recognizing the so called armenian genocide


47.       mhsn supertitiz
518 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 09:23 pm


Quoting Daydreamer

You posted a question -"Is it a coincidence that Christian countries refuted The Native American Genocide" - 3 people answered you and you didn´t like the answer so you proclaimed yourself a winner in the debate.




yes and their answer was


"yes it`s a coinsidence"  



but we all know that it`s not a coincidence but the disgusting christian hpocrisy

Edited (8/9/2009) by mhsn supertitiz

48.       mhsn supertitiz
518 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 09:26 pm


Whom do you want to try next? The Roman Empire? Persians?



actually it`s us who has to ask that question to you. but why try the roman empire when there is muslim Ottoman Empire, eh?

49.       og2009
409 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 10:00 pm


Edited (1/12/2010) by og2009
Edited (12/27/2011) by og2009

50.       Trudy
7887 posts
 09 Aug 2009 Sun 10:04 pm


Quoting og2009

From: ialbayrak34@hotmail.com
Subject: FW: BU MESAJI KIMSEYE GÖNDERME.....(ama tamamýný mutlaka oku ve düþün.....)
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 17:26:50 +0300

Elleri bir aðaca arkadan baðlanan hamile bir kadýnýn baþýna dikilmiþ olan iki Ermeni yazý tura atýyordu. Bu kanlý kumarý yaklaþýk 100 yýl önce Anadolu topraðýnda Kars´ta Aðrý´da Van´da Erzurum´da da atalarý oynamýþtý.Onlardan duymuþlardý.
Karný burnunda zavallý bir Azeri kadýnýn doðumu oldukça yakýn görünüyordu. Çaresiz kadýn bir hazan yapraðý gibi titriyordu. Elbiseleri yýrtýk, ayaklarý çýplaktý...Ermenilerin uzun boylu olaný elindeki AK-47 model Rus yapýmý otomatik tüfeðinin namlusuna monte edilen seyyar kasaturayý çýkartýrken, diðeri elindeki demir parayý havaya attý

:-Akçik, manç?..
(Kýzmý, oðlan mý?)


Bu cevap üzerine ´oðlan´ d iyerek bahse giren Ermeni, elindeki kasatura ile hamile kadýnýn karnýný bir hamlede yarýp çocuðu çýkarttý.Kan b! ürülügözleri bebeðin kasýklarýna kilitlendi.

-Tun þahetsar,ýnger...
(Sen kazandýn, yoldaþ)

-Yes þahetsapayts ays bubriký inç bes bidigiþdana...
(Ben kazandým ama bu bebek nasýl beslenecek?)

-Mayrigý bedge giþdatsine.
(Annesi besleyecek elbette)

Bunun üzerine daha kýsa boylu olan Ermeni, bir hamlede kasaturaya geçirdiði bebeði annesinin göðsüne yapýþtýrdý:

-Mayrig yerahayin zizdur.
(Çocuða meme ver)

Ayný dakikalarda Hocalý´nýn baþka bir semtinde tek kale futbol maçý hazýrlýðý vardý. Ýki kesik Azeri kadýn baþýný kale direði yapmýþlar, top arayýþýna girmiþlerdi.Baþý týraþlý bir çocuk bulup getirdiklerinde ise Ermeni çeteci sevinçle baðýrdý:

-Asixn ma/,çimi yev býzdýge, aveg gýndýrnadabidi. Gýdýresek...
(Bu hem saçsýz hem de küçük, iyi yuvarlanýr. Kopartýn...)

Ayný anda çocuðun gövdesi bir tarafa,baþý da orta yere düþmüþtü...

Ermeniler zafer naralarý! atarak, kanlý postallarý ile kesik çocuk baþýna vurarak kanlý bir kaleye gol atmaya çalýþýyordu.

Bu iki olay Hocalý´da bundan çok deðil yalnýzca 14 yýl önce yaþandý. Her iki olay da ermeni çetecilerin katliamlarýna bizzat þahit olan görgü tanýklarýnýn anlatýmlarýdýr.

Ne yazýk ki 26 Þubat 1992 günü binlerce Azeri türlü yöntemlerle vahþice katledilmiþtir. Ajanslar,katliam haberini bütün dünyaya hýzla geçerken, arþý titreten aðýr bir vahþet yaþanan Hocalý halkýndan geri kalanlar ise çaresizlik içinde kývranýyordu.

Türkiye´de büyük bir dehþet uyandýran katliama iliþkin ilk görüntüler ise TRT aracýlýðý ile duyurulmuþtu. Bütün olanlarý batýlý gazeteciler, özellikle de New York Times belgeledi.

26 Þubat´ta güçlü silahlarla donatýlmýþ Ermenistan silahlý kuvvetleri ile Hankendi´nde konuþlanmýþ bulunan Albay Zarvigarov komutasýndaki 366´ncý Rus Motorize Alayý, Hocalý´ya saldýrarak tarihin en vahþî katliamlarýndan birini yaptýlar.

26 Þubat! gecesi Rus motorize alayýnýn tanklarýndan açýlan top ve roket saldýrýlarý ile Hocalý Havaalaný kullanýlamaz hâle getirilerek kentin dýþ dünya ile iliþkisi de tamamen kesildi.

Savunmasýz kalan kente giren Rus destekli Ermeni askerleri, çocuk, yaþlý, kadýn, bebek demeden birçok insanýmýzý vahþîce katlettiler. ermenilerin iþgal ettikleri Hocalý´da dehþet verici olaylar yaþandý.

Canlý canlý insanlarýn kafa derilerini yüzdüler,

Sað olarak ele geçirdiklerini ise sistematik bir iþkenceye ve týbbî deneylere tâbi tutarak, insanlýk dýþý muamelelere maruz býraktýlar.

Hýzar ve testereler ile diri diri insanlarýn kol ve bacaklarýný kestiler.

Genç kýzlarýn önce saçlarýný,sonra da kafa derilerini yüzdüler.

Babanýn gözü önünde evladýný, evladýn gözü önünde babayý kurþunlara dizdiler.

Kesik kafalarý sepetlere doldurdular.

Peki neydi bu düþmanlýk?

Ermenistan´daki okul duvarlarýnda asýlan haritalarda Türkiye´nin 12 ili yer almaktayken, Ermenistan´Ã½n bayraðýnda Türkiye hudutlarý içindeki Aðrý Daðý´nýn resmi varken, Ermenistan Millî Marþý´nda ´Topraklarýmýz iþgal altýnda, bu topraklarý azat etmek için ölün,öldürün´ denmekteyk en, baþkaca bir neden aramaya zaten gerek yok sanýrým.

Daðlýk Karabað Bölgesi´nde bulunan Hocalý´ya, eski Sovyet Ýttifaký Silahlý kuvvetleri´ne ait 366.Alay´Ã½n desteði ile Ermeni Sýlahlý Kuvvetleri tarafýndan düzenlenen saldýrýlar sonucu 613 Azerbaycan Türk´ünün hayatýný kaybettiði resmî olarak açýklandý. Ancak kayýp sayýsýnýn bu rakamlarýn çok çok üstünde olduðu bilinmektedir.

56 hamile kadýn karný yarýlmýþ durumda bulunmuþtur.

Bu alçak saldýrýda 487 kiþi aðýr yaralanýrken, 1275 kiþi i se rehin alýnmýþ,geri kalan nüfus da bin bir zorlukla canýný kurtarmýþ ancak bu olayýn tahribatýndan ruhlarý ve hafýzalarý asla bir daha kurtulamamýþtýr.

Þahitlerin anlattýklarýný dinleyenler önce kulaklarýna inanamadý.!

Fakat katliam sonrasý Hocalý´ya girdiklerinde ise, görgü tanýklarýnýn abartmadýðýný kýsa sürede anladýlar. Hocalý´da katliam bölgesini gezen Fransýz gazeteci Jean-Yves Junet´nin gördükleri karþýsýnda söyledikleri, katliamýn boyutunu da anlatýyordu:

´Pek çok savaþ hikâye si dinledim. Faþistlerin zulmünü iþittim,ama Hocalý´daki gibi bir vahþete umarým kimse tanýk olmaz´ Peki 26 Þubat 1992 günü yaþanan bu katliamýn emrini kim vermiþti; Ermenistan Devlet Baþkaný sýfatýný taþýyan Robert Koçaryan denilen kirli katilden baþkasý deðildi. Yaptýðý terör faaliyetlerinin oraný nispetinde terfi eden Taþnaksutyun örgütü liderlerinden Robert Koçaryan, 20 Mart 1996´da Ermenistan Baþbakaný oldu.

Karabað´da barýþ istediði için aþýrý milliyetçilerin tepkisine daha fazla direnemeyen Levon Ter Petrosyan istifa edince de 30 Mart 1998 yýlýnda ondan boþalan Devlet Baþkanlýðý koltuðuna,´Hocalý Katlia! mý´ baþ sorumlusu olan azýlý terörist Robert Koçaryan oturdu.

Ermeniler Türk hamile kadýnlarýna tecavüz edip karnýný hamile olduðu halde taþ ile doldurup öldürmüþler ve küçük Türk kýzlarýna tecavüz edip öldürmüþlerdi.

Ülkemizde sadece 1 ermeni öldürüldü diye yürüyüþ yaptýlar ve o kadar araþtýrdýlar ama hiç bir insan kalkýp ta bu masum insanlara iþkence edilip öldürüldükleri için yürüyüþ yapmadý…………..



Translation please.


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