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Army service in Turkey
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110.       Deniz Kız
82 posts
 11 Apr 2007 Wed 02:19 pm

To Azade: it is interesting but I faced to the same situation as you discribed here - he can call me but when I try to call him on the same number I just don't get any connection. The number is really strange. And I understand that it's a tel. only be called from. Thanks that you said about it before. At least I'm not so amazed and confused about it
By the way, maybe you know what is the schedule during day they have? (I mean regulations - time of waking up, going to bad etc.)Or it can be various? I think in army it is some certain time when day is started and finished..
do you know something about it?
[/QUOTE Azade]
Use of telephones vary from place to place. In my case we were able to call eachother via a phone that everyone shared, which means that it was really hard to get through sometimes but I'm starting to think that we were lucky. He's only stayed in Tunceli for a few days now but he's called from a phone with a really strange number (+1 followed by the number) which I can't call. Hopefully they have a normal phone there but sometimes the phones can only be called from, not to."

111.       Kehribar
1580 posts
 08 May 2007 Tue 10:57 am

Sorry for bothering you guys with this. But my boyfriend is on a mission for 10 days in Sirnak. And now I am really worried that something has happend with hem. I read on the internet that again two soldiers died in Sirnak this week. I don't know what to do. The only thing I can do is wait with the hope that I hear something from him any time soon...

112.       azade
1606 posts
 08 May 2007 Tue 10:58 am

Sorry to hear that
Do you have contact with his family? Surely they would know what's going on there.
Is he normally stationed in şirnak?

113.       Kehribar
1580 posts
 08 May 2007 Tue 11:04 am

Yes I have contact with his family. Not daily. But if there was something wrong I think they would call me.
Yes he is stationed in Sirnak. And normally he doesn't go on operation that often, but like you know, everything is messed up over there again. So he was sent also.

114.       azade
1606 posts
 08 May 2007 Tue 11:18 am

I understand you worry because I also do that constantly but there's really not much to do. We can just try to keep their morale up and make sure they know what is waiting when they come back. And make dûa

115.       Kehribar
1580 posts
 08 May 2007 Tue 11:31 am

Quoting azade:

I understand you worry because I also do that constantly but there's really not much to do. We can just try to keep their morale up and make sure they know what is waiting when they come back. And make dûa

Thank you for your reaction. What you describe is exactly what I do. Well, Inshallah he will return. I will let you know when I've heard from him again!

116.       azade
1606 posts
 08 May 2007 Tue 12:54 pm

Quoting ambertje:

Quoting azade:

I understand you worry because I also do that constantly but there's really not much to do. We can just try to keep their morale up and make sure they know what is waiting when they come back. And make dûa

Thank you for your reaction. What you describe is exactly what I do. Well, Inshallah he will return. I will let you know when I've heard from him again!

Yes please do, hopefully he will contact you soon. I'm sure he will do it as soon as he has the chance. I'll remember you in my dûa.

117.       kathryn
64 posts
 19 May 2007 Sat 01:42 am


I know there has been a lot of chat about the army but i was just wondering if i am correct about the boys that go to turkish army that you can not call them for the first 3 months but they can call you?? Also do they get 30 days holiday? but only find out maybe 2 weeks before when they can take them?

Sorry one more...

Someone i know is going to the army in afyon/emirda??
Does anyone any information about this one??

Thanks in advance for your help?

118.       Lapinkulta
0 posts
 19 May 2007 Sat 01:54 am

Quoting kathryn:


I know there has been a lot of chat about the army but i was just wondering if i am correct about the boys that go to turkish army that you can not call them for the first 3 months but they can call you?? Also do they get 30 days holiday? but only find out maybe 2 weeks before when they can take them?

Sorry one more...

Someone i know is going to the army in afyon/emirda??
Does anyone any information about this one??

Thanks in advance for your help?

all of things are true as u said.I finished this duty 5 months ago...it is possible to use phone in army if u are good at hiding it
many ppl hides it and use nights and talks under quilt

119.       deli
5904 posts
 19 May 2007 Sat 01:57 am

sneaky little devils

120.       turquoise
938 posts
 19 May 2007 Sat 02:00 am

Quoting Lapinkulta:

Quoting kathryn:


I know there has been a lot of chat about the army but i was just wondering if i am correct about the boys that go to turkish army that you can not call them for the first 3 months but they can call you?? Also do they get 30 days holiday? but only find out maybe 2 weeks before when they can take them?

Sorry one more...

Someone i know is going to the army in afyon/emirda??
Does anyone any information about this one??

Thanks in advance for your help?

all of things are true as u said.I finished this duty 5 months ago...it is possible to use phone in army if u are good at hiding it
many ppl hides it and use nights and talks under quilt

no you can call them in 15 days or less but it really sux for the beginniglol

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