Turkey |
60. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 10:41 pm |
Quoting KeithL: of all countries, I find it ironic that the U.S. feels the need to weigh in on this issue. The genocide against native americans is one of the most brutal and most documented chapters in American history. I think America should deal with its own past before meddling into this complicated matter... |
does america deny it? or hide? everyone knows what happened to native americans, even you keith
and its not closed, there are lots works done on this subject, movies shut. and no american says "its not true, or its a mistake of our ancestors, lets forget".
theres a difference between these two issues.
61. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 10:45 pm |
Quoting alameda: 1 It's not any of our business. Let Turkey and Armenia figure it out.
on what grounds you are claiming so?
everyone is entitled to discuss!
stop telling people what they are allowed or not allowed to to speak of! who do you think you are?
62. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 10:46 pm |
the key word here is genocide. No, America has never admitted genocide to this issue.
63. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 10:49 pm |
Quoting KeithL: the key word here is genocide. No, America has never admitted genocide to this issue. |
they didnt kill them off in a few weeks or months but it took hundred years of war.
white americans were powerful and killed off the native ones in constant going wars.
still these two issues are different.
64. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 11:05 pm |
I don't wan't to shift the focus of this thread to something else, but calling what happened between americans and native indians in the 1800's can hardly be classified as a war.
65. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 11:11 pm |
Quoting KeithL: I don't wan't to shift the focus of this thread to something else, but calling what happened between americans and native indians in the 1800's can hardly be classified as a war. |
on what grounds you claim so?
i forgot to add: whatever subject on turkish you start up it always ends up with americans and bush!
66. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 11:18 pm |
Taught in very few universities, as the Turkish lobby and its sponsored professors (such as at Princeton) take great pains to paint a revisionist history. Americans can personally voice our outrage at the sins of those who came before us, those involved in murdering Native Americans, profiting from slavery, and any other number of crimes/sins. There may or may not have been official apologies about these atrocities in our own land, but our crimes are nationally recognized. The damage that people in the past did to others can’t ever be undone; but we can recognize the guilt, make laws to try to stop the atrocities in the future, and we can lament and move on, in freedom.
I cant go to the street and protest our policies in the Middle East. I can get a bullhorn, if I choose, and lead a picket in DC against the lack of adequate reparations for Native Americans. I can write emails to the White House saying, “President Bush, you are all wrong on this and that…†and I can do so knowing that I’m not going to get imprisoned for it. They can’t do that it Turkey, or if they do, they do it with great risk of prison.
67. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 11:18 pm |
For one, I lived in Minnesota for almost 20 years. This area was one of the last areas still occupied by majority native Indian and whites were the minority. The brutality of the army's sytematic elimination is clear.
By the way, the Bush White House took a good initiative today in regards to a Palestinian State, so I do not always disagree with President Bush.
68. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 11:27 pm |
Has the US government officially apoligized to Japan for killing more than two hundred thousand people in Hiroshima and Nagazaki?
Have they apoligized to the residents of The Bikini Islands for testing an H-bomb on their island?
69. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 11:31 pm |
Quoting vineyards: Has the US government officially apoligized to Japan for killing more than two hundred thousand people in Hiroshima and Nagazaki?
Have they apoligized to the residents of The Bikini Islands for testing an H-bomb on their island?
no, they are proud of their great history!
70. |
15 Oct 2007 Mon 11:53 pm |
This case such as the issue whichever is first chicken or egg I say this because I searched much of the truth in history books , not prevail so far
but one day will come and the truth appears,like the day which Japan apologized to the people whom suffered persecution of the Japanese during the Second World War as well as the Germans from the tragedies caused by the Nazis This shows clearly there is some countries or peoples, which had turned the conditions in periods of its history to barbarism and bullying and then attempt to cancel the other soon to revert to the proper conduct of history,