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Turkish Poetry and Literature

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120.       rena
0 posts
 08 Feb 2007 Thu 06:28 am

hmmm.. i got some parts in a different way

121.       Ayla
0 posts
 08 Feb 2007 Thu 07:30 am

different doesn't mean wrong rena, in fact I liked some of yours better than mine

122.       rena
0 posts
 08 Feb 2007 Thu 07:46 am

thank you, ayla!
but i don't mean the way of expressing the same idea, but the different sense of a tr sentence i got my level is still not enough for the story... well, let me go on working then!

123.       Ayla
0 posts
 08 Feb 2007 Thu 08:03 am

Yes, sometime I struggle with sentence structure too. Let's work on the next part and let metehan correct us

124.       rena
0 posts
 08 Feb 2007 Thu 08:19 am

i'm afraid i'll be able to post the translation of the next part only tomorrow again..

125.       Ayla
0 posts
 08 Feb 2007 Thu 09:48 am


After squashing the end of his cigarette in the ashtray, Shahid continued his talk from the point he stopped as if he hadn't taken a break at all:
- And now... my dear Fatih, I'm confessing in front of you that I couldn't help myself from being grabbed by (carried away by) the charm of "women" that I've always escaped from or tried to act in a dignified and a prudent way in front of.
"My God!" I said to myself... "Oh my God!"... He is a person of another times and places... My dear friend Shahid, has been caught in the illness of the thousand old times love adventures I had read and known in person, of the unforgetable but at the same time rare love heros: Love was a hopeless sickness... At that moment all the Mecnuns, Ferhats, Hüsrevs,Tahirs, Romeos began to march in my mind. My friend Aziz from Ordu, who sat in my row in my highschool years came to my mind. In the only girl-boy mixed class, Aziz had fallen in love with an ugly girl, who we didn't even look at her face and who I don't even remember her name... He was a handsome young man, like a lion. He was a boxer. He was one of the ace (champion) members of school's volleyball and basketball teams. He was an Orhan Gencebay fan. We believed that he could read his "Give me a consolation" better than our brother Orhan.

126.       rena
0 posts
 09 Feb 2007 Fri 08:39 am

as i promised, my try of part 31

Having squashed the butt of the cigarette in the ashtray, Shahid went on talking from the point he stopped as if he gave no pause:
- … And now.. dear Fatih, I confess that I couldn’t stand being seized by “woman’s” attractiveness, I always escaped and tried to be careful and sensible.
“My god!” I told to myself.. “Really my god!”.. This is a man of a different time and place.. my dear friend Shahid, thousands of love adventures I read about or witnessed myself, unforgettable, but had caught the love sickness that much uncommon for love heroes: love was a sickness with no recovery.. In a while pictures of the Mejnuns, Ferhats, Husrevs, Tahirs, Romeos began marching in my mind. I recollected my school friend Ordulu Aziz who I was sharing the same desk with... Our Aziz who fell in love with an ugly girl, the girl from the only girls and boys mixed class of our school, I even have forgotten her name now, we, all of the classmates, even didn’t notice her… He, a young guy, handsome like a lion. A boxer. One of the school volleyball and football teams’ champions. Fascinated by Orhan Gencebay. We believed that he sang “Bir Teselli Ver” better than our dear Orhan.

127.       metehan2001
501 posts
 10 Feb 2007 Sat 09:06 pm

Sorry, I was out for an unespected trip. Therefore I haven't sent the post.
Here is PART 32
Bizi gözleri görmeyen, burnu havada kızların pek çoğunun ona yanık olduğunu bilirdik; fakat o, şu adını bilmediğim, bitişik sınıftaki çirkin kızdan başkasına bakmazdı.. Kız, bed suratlının biriydi aslında; ama bir hava, bir kapris... Sanki Türkiye güzeli!. Bizim Aziz’i adam yerine koyup, şÃ¶yle bir kaçamak bakış bile fırlatmazdı. Belki de Aziz’in farkında bile değildi. Ama benim can dostumun kara sevdalı olduğundan habersiz bulundukları bu kızı, okul çıkışında takip etme cüretini gösteren birkaç arkadaşı, Aziz'in adamakıllı benzettiğini(dövdüğünü) hâlâ hatırlarım.. Aziz, anne ve babasını göndermişti, kızı istetmeye.. Ailesi de, kız da reddetmişti bu teklifi.. Sonra, kızın kaydını başka bir okula aldırmışlardı. Aziz de okulu bırakmıştı bunun üzerine.. Yıllar sonra, bir arkadaştan onun polis olduğunu, evlendiğini ve şarkta, bir şehirde çalıştığını öğrenmiştim.
Şahid’in sesiyle dalgınlığımdan sıyrıldım:
- Evet, dostum! Artık duygularımı kontrol edemez hâldeyim. Daha önce yaşamadığım bir tecrübe bu.. Bir kadın, belki de bana karşı hiçbir bilinçli eyleme girişmeden, beni fethetti. İç dünyama hakim oluverdi.. O kadar güzel.. ve öyle asil bir duruşu var ki.. İnsanların bütün kişisel farklarını yok ederek, onları düpdüz hâle getiren Sovyet sistemi içinde onun bu asil tavrını nasıl muhafaza ettiğine şaşırmamak mümkün değil! İnanır mısın bilmem; son zamanlarda, neredeyse her günümün her bir anı onu düşÃ¼nmekle geçiyor!

128.       Ayla
0 posts
 11 Feb 2007 Sun 06:32 pm

We knew that many cocky girls, who didn't even look at us, were in love with him. But he didn't look at any other than that ugly girl whom I didn't know her name and learned in the next- door class! The girl was actually a BED faced, but such a mood, such a whim… As if she were Turkey's beauty queen. She didn't even consider our Aziz enough to throw a casual look at him. Maybe she wasn't even aware of Aziz. But I still remember that some of her friends, who didn't know that my soul mate Aziz was lovesick and dared to follow her after leaving school, had beaten Aziz thoroughly (?). (I'm not sure who followed whom and who beat who here…help metehan!)
Aziz had sent his mother and father to ask her marry him. Both her family and the girl had refused this offer. After that they had registered the girl in another school. And Aziz had left school for that reason. Years later, I have learned from a friend that he became a policeman, married and worked in a city at the Far East.
I awakened from my abstractedness with Shahid's voice:
- Yes my friend, I'm in a situation where I can't control my feelings. This is an experience I haven't lived before. A woman, maybe even without acting consciously towards me, has conquered me. She has such a beautiful and noble pose that… It's impossible not to be amazed by how she succeeded in keeping her noble manners inside the Soviet system, which wiped off all personal differences between people and brought them into a flat situation! I don't know if you believe me; lately almost every moment of my each day is passing with thinking about her!

129.       metehan2001
501 posts
 12 Feb 2007 Mon 02:05 am

Ayla, I tried to correct some sentences in PART 32, but I am not sure if you like them.

'We knew that many cocky girls, who didn't even look at us, were in love with him. He didn't look at any of them but only that ugly girl studying in the next-door class whose name even I didn't know! Even though she was a sour-faced girl in fact, but still a lofty and capricious one too…'

'But I still remember that some of our friends, who didn't know that my soul mate Aziz was lovesick, followed this girl for a date after class, had been beaten by Aziz thoroughly.

Aziz had sent his parent to the girl's house to ask her parent's permission for the marriage. But both, her parent and the girl had refused this offer. After that they had registered the girl in another school. And Aziz had left the school for that reason. Years later, I have learned from a friend that he became a policeman, married and worked in a city at the Eastern Turkey.'

130.       Ayla
0 posts
 12 Feb 2007 Mon 07:49 am

thank you metehan, it's clearer now, especially the sentence with the following and beating... I'm waiting for the next part

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