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Turkish Poetry and Literature

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130.       Ayla
0 posts
 12 Feb 2007 Mon 07:49 am

thank you metehan, it's clearer now, especially the sentence with the following and beating... I'm waiting for the next part

131.       metehan2001
501 posts
 12 Feb 2007 Mon 07:13 pm

Here is PART 33,

O konuşurken, ben, sözkonusu soylu güzelin kim olduğunu çıkarmaya çalışıyordum. Şahid’in Luda’ya ilgisini fark etmiştim; ancak tarif ettiği kadının nitelikleriyle Luda’nınkini karşılaştırdığımda, sanki daha başka birisi hakkında söz ediyormuş gibi geliyordu bana. ‘‘Dur bakalım!’’ dedim, kendi kendime.. Nasıl olsa birazdan bu kadının kim olduğunu öğrenecektim.. Nitekim fazla beklememe gerek kalmadı. Şahid, konuşulması uygun olmayan bir konudan söz ediyormuş gibi, utana sıkıla açıklamasına devam etti:
- Bugüne kadar ilgimi, zor olsa da, kendisinden de, sizlerden de gizlemeye çalıştım. Başarabildim mi bilmiyorum..
Zavallı dostum!.. Eğer bu kadın Luda ise, Şahid, kesinlikle sınıfta kalmıştı. Çünkü, Bölümdeki, neredeyse, bütün hocalar, durumun farkındaydılar. Zaten, bunların çoğu kadındı ve bu tür gönül ilişkileri, kadınların gözünden asla kaçmazdı.. Ben bile hissettikten sonra...
Zorlansa da, Şahid, itiraf kapısını bir kere açmıştı. Ağır aksak konuşmasını sürdürdü:
- Şu sıralar, başıma gelen bu sıradışı olay üzerinde çok düşÃ¼ndüm. Sevilenden uzakta durmak, mümkün değil.. Buna dayanamayacağımı anlamış bulunuyorum. Öte yandan, ona yakın olmak da belirli prosedürleri başarıyla tamamlayabilmeme bağlı..

132.       rena
0 posts
 13 Feb 2007 Tue 12:32 pm

part 33

While he was speaking, I was trying to understand who was that noble beauty in question. I realized Shahid’s interest in Luda, however I was comparing Luda’s qualities with the woman’s description, I felt as if he was speaking of someone else. “Let’s wait and see!” I told to myself.. Somehow I would learn who was that woman in a while. Actually I didn’t have to wait more. Shahid, as he was telling an unexpected subject, continued explanation shyly:
- Till nowadays if my relation was difficult, I tried to hide it either from myself, or from you. I don’t know if I had succeeded…
My poor friend!.. If this woman was Luda, Shahid would definitely stay in the room. Because almost all the teachers at the department were aware of the situation. Already most on them here were women and this type of heart relations never escape from women’s eyes. Even I felt later...
If being forced too, Shahid opened the door of confession for one time. He continued his slow crippled talk:
- I thought much of this extraordinary event that came into my mind like that. It is impossible to beware of the loved one. I understood that I wouldn’t endure that. On the other hand, I have to succeed in some specific procedures to be close to her..

133.       metehan2001
501 posts
 13 Feb 2007 Tue 06:09 pm

Quoting rena:

part 33

While he was speaking, I was trying to understand who was that noble beauty in question. I realized Shahid’s interest in Luda, however I was comparing Luda’s qualities with the woman’s description, I felt as if he was speaking of someone else. “Let’s wait and see!” I told to myself.. Somehow I would learn who was that woman in a while. Actually I didn’t have to wait more. Shahid, as he was telling an unexpected subject, continued explanation shyly:
- Till nowadays if my relation was difficult, I tried to hide it either from myself, or from you. I don’t know if I had succeeded…
My poor friend!.. If this woman was Luda, Shahid would definitely stay in the room. Because almost all the teachers at the department were aware of the situation. Already most on them here were women and this type of heart relations never escape from women’s eyes. Even I felt later...
If being forced too, Shahid opened the door of confession for one time. He continued his slow crippled talk:
- I thought much of this extraordinary event that came into my mind like that. It is impossible to beware of the loved one. I understood that I wouldn’t endure that. On the other hand, I have to succeed in some specific procedures to be close to her..

Rena, thanks for your effort. After seeing Ayla's translation, I will try to do some corrections in your translation part.

134.       Ayla
0 posts
 13 Feb 2007 Tue 06:46 pm

PART 33, my try

While he was talking, I was trying to figure out who was that noble beauty in question. I had noticed Shahid's interest towards Luda; But when I compared the characteristics of the described woman with those of Luda, it seemed to me as if he was talking about someone else. "Let's wait and see" I said to myself. In any case I was going to learn who this woman was in a while. Anyhow I didn't have to wait for long. Shahid continued his explanation bashfully and ashamedly as if he was talking about an unsuitable subject:
- Until this day, even if it was hard, I tried to hide my interest both from her and from you. I don't know whether I have succeeded.
My poor friend! If this woman was Luda, Shahid had certainly failed class. Because almost all the teachers in the department were aware of the situation. Anyhow most of them were women and this kind of heart matters wouldn't ever escape from the eyes of women. After even I have felt it...
Although he was under strain, he had already opened the confession door. Very slowly he continued his talk:
- Lately I have made a lot of thinking about this extraordinary event that happened to me. It's not possible to stay away from the beloved one... I understand that I can't endure it. On the other side, being close to her depends on my ability to complete successfully some specific procedures...

135.       metehan2001
501 posts
 14 Feb 2007 Wed 11:54 pm

Rena, Ayla did the corrections which I was thinking to do. I am sure you have compared the two translations and you have seen some differences. Please, don't give up your efforts due to gain more ability in your Turkish.

Here is just one correction:

'- Until this day, even if it was hard, I tried to hide my interest towards her, both from her and from all of you (all the teachers). I don't know whether I have succeeded.'

136.       metehan2001
501 posts
 14 Feb 2007 Wed 11:59 pm

İçinde bulunduğumuz vaziyetin bütün ciddiyetine rağmen, Şahid’in son cümlesini duyduğumda; özellikle bir kıza yapılacak arkadaşlık teklifini, dışarı çıkma davetini, ‘‘Prosedür’’ sözüyle ifade ettiğini işittiğimde, az kalsın, kontrolümü kaybedip, müthiş bir kahkaha patlatacaktım.. Bereket versin ki, Aida, tam zamanında yetişti ve boşalan yemek tabaklarını masamızdan toplamaya başladı. Sanki garson kız, Türkçe biliyormuş gibi, yanımızdan ayrılıncaya dek, Şahid’in konuşmasına ara vermesi bana oldukça tuhaf göründü. Dostumun heyecanı, hem daha da pembeleşen yüzünden hem de titreyen sesinden açıkça anlaşıyordu:
- Onun adını, kendi kendime kaç bin defa telaffuz ettiğimi hatırlayamıyorum, dostum. Ama şimdi, bu mahrem sırrı, ilk defa başka biriyle paylaşmak durumundayım.. Kim olduğunu öğrendiğinizde, sanırım, bana siz de hak vereceksiniz. Bir insanın, onu tanıdıktan sonra, eski limitleri içinde davranmaya devam etmesi münkün mü, aziz kardeşim!.. İşte, beni görüyorsunuz.. Bütün, davranış ve düşÃ¼nüş kalıplarım parçalandı.. Ama inanınız ki şu anda içinde bulunduğum hâlden şikâyetçi değilim. Bu.. nasıl söyleyeyim bilmiyorum.. İnanılmaz bir tecrübe!.. Bunca yıldır, o kadar farklı mekânlarda yaşayıp istiflediğim tecrübe depomda böylesine farklı, böylesine etkileyici, böylesine beni benden alıp başka bir şeye dönüştüren bir deneyim bulunmuyor, desem, bana inanır mısınız?

( I think, this is a little difficult part for translation)

137.       Ayla
0 posts
 15 Feb 2007 Thu 07:24 am

oh, a challenge! good, I'm looking forward to try it...

138.       Ayla
0 posts
 15 Feb 2007 Thu 10:47 am


In spite of the seriousness of the situation we were in, when I heard Shahid's last sentence; especially when hearing his friendship offering to a girl, asking her out, expressed with the word "procedure", I was about to lose control and burst into a terribly loud laugh. Thank goodness that Aida made it right on time and began to clear the empty food plates from our table. Shahid's stopping with his talk until she moved away from us, as if the waitress knew Turkish, looked rather strange to me. My friend's excitement was clearly understood both from the turning of his face pinker and from his trembling voice:
- I can't remember how many thousands of times I have pronounced her name to myself, my friend. But now I'm about to share this private secret with someone for the first time... When you learn who she is, I think you'll justify me too. After knowing her, is it possible for a person to continue acting within his old limits my dear friend! Here you see me... All my behaving and thinking patterns have been smashed... But believe me that I'm not complaining about the situation I'm in right now. This... I don't know how to say this... is an unbelievable experience! Would you believe me, if I say that I don't have any experiment stacked in my experience store after so many years of living in so many different places, that is so different, so influential, so taking me from myself and turning me to something else?

139.       metehan2001
501 posts
 16 Feb 2007 Fri 12:37 am

Ayla! Can you see too, how improvement you have done in this translation proces till now? Have you ever compared your first translations with the latest ones? I want to congratulate you once more!

140.       Ayla
0 posts
 16 Feb 2007 Fri 12:44 pm

metehan, I haven't compared till now, I think that I'm actually improving both my Turkish and my English so thank you for the opportunity.

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